How to weld a pearl barley?

Unsuccessfully low popularity of the pearl bar is due to ignorance of housewives about its correct preparation. Adding pearl beans to vegetables or meat, and diversifying their taste with aromatic seasonings and spices, we will get a completely new, original and, most importantly, indisputably useful dish that will compete with other more popular dishes. But even the classic, correctly prepared pearl barley is good in its own way and has its own audience of fans.

In the material below, you will find recommendations on how to prepare just plain water-beetles and its more complex interpretations.

How tasty to cook a pearl bar in a multivariate?



Before cooking, pearl barley should be thoroughly rinsed before the transparency of the water and soak for about three hours, filling with a sufficient amount of cold water. After a lapse of time, the water is drained, and the croup is washed once more and put into the container of the multi-device. Fill it with the necessary amount of water, add a large salt to taste and butter, adjust the device to the regime of "Kasha", "Milk porridge" or "Buckwheat", depending on the model and prepare the dish for one hour. After the signal, we give the pearl bar to stand in the "Heating" mode for about fifteen minutes and can serve.

Would you like to diversify the taste of classic pearl barley? Add to the dish when cooking a little diced carrots, season it with spices to your taste, and get a completely new impression of the meal.

How to weld a pearl bar in a multivark without soaking?

Pearl barley in a multivark is easy to weld and without pre-soaking. In this case, we prepare the dish in the same proportions, but increase the cooking time to two hours.

How to cook a pearl barley in a microwave?



To cook the pearl barley in a microwave oven, slightly different proportions of cereals and water are used. We put the soaked and well-washed pearl grains in a special container for microwave oven preparation, fill them with the necessary amount of water, cover it with a lid and turn on the device for twenty minutes, adjusting it for maximum power. After the signal, add some salt, add fried onions or butter, mix and cook the porridge for another ten minutes at the same power. If the result seems harsh, you can extend the cooking time for a few minutes, adding water if necessary.

How to boil a crumbly pearl barley on a garnish with vegetables?



To make the pearl barley a friable, previously soaked and rinsed croup is poured with water, brought to a boil, cooked for one minute, and then the water is drained. Add a new portion of clean water in the amount according to the recipe, give the barley to boil again, and cook it under the lid, in the smallest heat until softness, periodically mixing.

At this time, prepare the vegetables. We clean, rinse onions and carrots and pass the vegetable mass on vegetable oil until soft. Then add the chopped garlic, sliced ​​straws or cubes of Bulgarian pepper, grated fresh or in its own juice, tomatoes and, if desired, the inflorescence of cauliflower or broccoli. Fry all together for another couple of minutes, put the vegetable mass in a pan with the finished pearl barley, add salt and hops-suneli or Italian herbs to taste. We mix the porridge with the vegetables, cover it with a lid and let it sit for another five minutes.