Constipation in a newborn on mixed feeding

The digestive tract of the newborn can not be called a well-functioning and stable system. In the case when the baby feeds on breast milk, the adjustment of the process of its proper functioning, as a rule, passes almost painlessly. But with artificial and mixed feeding , newborns often have constipation and other digestive problems.


  1. Constructions of a baby from a breast to a mixed feeding quite often develop constipation. This is mainly due to the weakness of the motor function of his intestine, which at this age does not work stably. The reason for his poor work may be the introduction of a new food into the child's daily diet.
  2. The second most frequent cause of constipation in infants fed on mixed feeding is banal overheating and dehydration. Often, young mothers dress the baby too warmly when the room is quite hot and forget that the baby does not need breastfeeding more fluid, and that now it needs to be dosed with water.
  3. Often in infants with mixed feeding develops and dysbiosis, the main symptom of which is the opposite constipation diarrhea with a chair of greenish color.


A very important nuance in the prevention of constipation is the fact that a child with mixed feeding receives a sufficient amount of breast milk. To do this, his mother must make every effort to keep the lactation as long as possible. It is known that breast milk is a full-fledged and balanced product, which contains all the nutrients necessary for the baby right now. No, even the most balanced artificial mixture, will not replace breast milk.

Special attention should be given to products that are introduced as complementary foods. So, for example, the introduction of rice porridge into the baby's menu can cause constipation.