Compote for babies

In the summer, the child's need for drinking increases significantly. To quench your thirst, you can use boiled or special bottled children's water and juices. A good option for a half-year old baby will be compote, which you can prepare yourself at home.

Kinds of a healthy drink

The following options for children's drinks will be most useful:

You can improvise and mix different ingredients. It is only important to remember that local fruits will benefit, not exotic ones.


We will disassemble, as kazhe to cook a compote for grudnichka to save all properties of fruit and flavoring qualities. Drinks from various berries and fruits are made according to a similar principle. They are quick to prepare and extremely useful. This does not require grand culinary skills, and every young mother can master such recipes.

Here are a few of the most popular recipes of this useful home beverage.

Apple compote

To make compote of apples for babies, you will need:

In principle, with the amount of ingredients you can improvise. That is, it can be a light drink or, conversely, concentrated.


The fruit should be thoroughly washed, remove the hard peel and seeds, cut into small slices and boil in boiling water for 5-10 minutes. Before consumption, compote infants can be cooled and filtered to avoid falling into a bottle of fruit pieces.

A dried fruit compote

And in order to make a compote of dried fruits for a baby, 2 grams of water should take about 30 g of the main ingredient. It is better to pre-soak dried fruits in water for a few minutes, so they will become softer and easier to "give away" all their useful properties. After you have boiled the compote for 20-30 minutes, it is important to let it brew.

It should be remembered that in the drink for the child should not add sugar and other ingredients, there should not be anything superfluous. Of course, you can sweeten a little with fructose. You can add honey, but it is possible to develop allergic reactions.