How to cure a child's cough?

Cough treatment is not an easy task, both in adults and children. It must necessarily be controlled by the attending physician, because independent experiments can be dangerous for the life of a child of any age. Depending on the type of cough, his treatment is different, and it is necessary to apply a set of measures to effectively rid the child of the painful state that prevents a full-fledged lifestyle.

How fast can cough cure in a child?

Some believe that any means need to quickly suppress the cough reflex and give the child special means such as Sinekod and Robotussin. This is completely unacceptable, especially with a damp cough - excess sputum ceases to be excreted from the body and inflammation of the lungs develops.

Dry cough, too, can not be muffled by such means - they are intended as a symptomatic treatment for seizures, and are taken mostly before going to bed so that the child can have a good night's rest. Dry cough should become wet, so that later by coughing the body gets rid of phlegm. This happens within one to three weeks, but not before.

How to cure a child a severe dry cough?

When a child has a dry cough, it arises as a result of irritation in the throat, or the baby complains that before the attack, it tickles in the larynx. Especially frequent bouts in the supine position. There is practically no wheezing with such a cough, but breathing is difficult and difficult. To defeat an irritating and exhausting dry cough, it is necessary to make it wet. Here's what you need for this:

  1. High humidity in the room - from 60 to 70%. It can be increased with the help of a very useful household appliance - an air humidifier, which is especially necessary in the winter.
  2. A lot of warm drinking - literally every half hour, it is necessary for the kid to drink a decoction of chamomile or limes, green tea, mors or even pure warm water - the mucus that has accumulated inside will be liquefied and easier to go out.
  3. Medicinal products intended for liquefaction of sputum must be taken by the child in a dosage that corresponds to his age. It can be synthetic agents and those that are produced on a natural basis.

How to cure a wet child cough?

Moist cough is productive - during it sputum is released, which accumulates in the bronchi and clogs them. Especially a lot of the child coughs after a night's sleep - after all, in an immobilized horizontal position, mucus is practically not excreted.

With a damp cough, rattles in the chest can be clearly heard if you apply an ear. During obstructive bronchitis, sounds resemble bursting small bubbles, and you can hear it even without a phonendoscope. In addition, it is possible to catch shortness, especially when the child is actively moving.

The high humidity of the room and a plentiful drink are relevant even with a damp cough - this further makes it possible to thin the mucus. Bed rest of the child is categorically contraindicated, as is the absence of walks - movement and fresh air make the cough more productive.

Along with the above procedures, the doctor prescribes expectorants. Children under two years of age are contraindicated, as they can lead to excessive secretion and blockage of the bronchi. For toddlers and older children, mandatory with a damp cough is percussion massage - tapping with the palm of the hand over the lung area, when the head is located below the body level. This simple action helps to cough up mucus to those who do not yet know how to do it fully.

Is it possible to cure a child for coughing with folk remedies?

All methods and means of traditional medicine, of course, have the right to use, but also contraindications too. Before applying them, you need a doctor's consultation. These include breastfeeding , consisting of plant components, inhalation with the help of hot steam (potatoes, soda, chamomile), well helps in the form of a "distracting maneuver" with a dry cough soar the legs - the blood casts from the bronchi and removes their edema, and the baby it becomes easier to breathe.

All procedures that are carried out with the use of heat are allowed, when there is no temperature. If it is raised to 37.5 C, it is advisable to use a nebulizer with an antispasmodic mixture with strong cough and obstruction, and for uncomplicated bronchitis Borjomi and sodium chloride are suitable.