Cuff - medicinal properties and contraindications

The cuff is a perennial plant that an inexperienced botanist can easily confuse with a weed. This herb belongs to the family of Rosaceae. It is greenish or yellow-green. The therapeutic properties and contra-indications of the cuff forced her to draw the attention of many adherents of non-traditional methods of treatment. And the results of the treatment of grass can well be compared with the effect of conservative therapy.

Useful properties and application of cuff ordinary

All the medicinal properties and contraindications of the cuff grass are provided by the main components of its composition:

If the grass cuff ordinary is not contraindicated and not prohibited, you can use its useful properties:

In the absence of cautions and contraindications, the useful properties of cuffs are used to treat such ailments as:

The use of a cuff is not particularly complicated.

  1. In the absence of prohibitions and contraindications, the healing properties of the cuff grass are used to make tea from painful menstruation, which improves well-being and reduces bleeding. In addition, this drink can alleviate the symptoms of menopausal syndrome. The use of tea from the cuff is also advisable when cleaning the body, high temperature , insomnia, colds and for preventive purposes - in epidemics of respiratory ailments, for example.
  2. Herbal tincture is effective in tuberculosis - it is faster than many medications to heal caverns. Experts recommend using it to combat the signs of dysbiosis.
  3. Useful properties and contraindications to the broth of the cuff can be used for both internal and external use. Compresses and lotions with a therapeutic agent contribute to the early healing of wounds, restore the skin, eliminate itching, rash, inflammation. Oral reception stops internal bleeding, speeds up expectoration, restores metabolic processes.
  4. Those who have a cuff is not contraindicated, you can use infusion to treat problems with the organs of the gastrointestinal tract. It is also advised to use for gynecological diseases - to restore hormonal balance, inflammation of the uterus, ovaries, appendages, uterine bleeding. Medicine even knows cases when the cuff heals from female infertility.
  5. Another method of application is wine infusion. Such a medicine is effective for heart pain, metabolic disorders.

Contraindications to the use of cuff grass

As such, there were no contraindications to the use of cuff-based medications. The main condition is not to abuse the drug and not use it for individual intolerance.