Fukorcin - application

One of the simplest and accessible to everyone medicines is Fukortzin. Other names of the medicine: Castellani liquid, Castellani paint. But, despite the fact that this drug can be easily purchased at any pharmacy, before using it, you should consult a doctor and carefully read the annotation.

Composition of the drug Fukorcin

The drug is an alcohol solution that is intended for external use, and is available in dark glass bottles (usually 10 ml capacity). The specialty of the preparation is a bright crimson color and a specific, characteristic odor.

The composition of the drug includes the following chemical compounds:

On request, a colorless solution of Fucocin can be manufactured in the pharmacy without fuchsin.

Pharmacological action of Fucorcin

The above components of the drug provide the following drug effect of the drug:

Indications for use of Fukortzin solution

Medical product Fukortsin finds application in the following cases:

Often, the drug is recommended for use with chicken pox. The solution also has a drying, weak anti-inflammatory effect, it provides prevention of secondary infection in various types of superficial lesions.

Fukortsin is also used for herpes and stomatitis . The drying and disinfecting effect of the drug helps prevent the spread of infection and promotes early healing.

Good results show the use of Fucocin in the fungus of nails because of the pronounced fungicidal action of this drug. However, it is recommended that you combine therapy with other antifungal agents.

Method of application of the drug Fukorcin

The solution should be applied locally to the affected areas of the skin and mucous membranes with a cotton swab or cotton swab from 2 to 5 times a day. On the recommendation of the attending physician after drying the drug on the affected tissue, it is possible to apply other external medicinal products - ointments, pastes, gels, etc.

Side effects of Fucocin

As a result of drug treatment, local and general allergic reactions may appear. Also with prolonged use there is an addiction, as a result of which Fukorcin ceases to have an effective therapeutic effect.

It should be borne in mind that the product should never be applied to large areas of the skin, much less the mucous membranes. This can lead to an overdose of phenol, which quickly penetrates into the blood, which causes various toxic phenomena (headache, nausea, breathing disorders, blood pressure jumps).

The burning sensation and pain that occurs when the drug is applied and is short-lived, passes by itself and does not require the abolition of therapy. If necessary, the solution can be discolored with a concentrated solution of acetylsalicylic acid, and wash it off the skin with alcohol-containing liquids.

Contraindications to Fukorcin treatment: