Isoprinosine for children

Avoiding acute respiratory viral infections and an adult is hard enough, and a child whose immune system is still forming, and even more so. Here, moms come to the rescue of immunomodulators, helping the body to fight the "invaders". One of them is isoprinosine.

The drug isoprinosine for children is an immunostimulating agent that is available in the form of white (whitish) oblong tablets of biconvex form with an unobtrusive amine odor. The use of pediatric isoprinosine helps restore lymphocyte function in immunosuppression. In the composition of isoprinosine, the active substance is inosine pranobex. In other words, this medicine activates the natural protective reactions of the child's body, helping the baby to overcome the disease.

Indications and contraindications

Isoprinosine is a drug from the group of immunomodulators, therefore it is necessary to apply it on the recommendation of the attending physician. The use of isoprinosine in children is justified in cases where the body is infected with an infection caused by the Herpes simplex virus, that is, chicken pox, herpetic keratitis, genital and labial herpes, or herpes zoster. In most cases, the indication for isoprinosin is influenza, ARVI, infectious mononucleosis, provoked by Epstein-Barra, measles (in severe course), papillomavirus infection of the vocal cords and larynx, presence of molluscum contagiosum in the body.

Among the main contraindications of isoprinosine is increased sensitivity to the components of the drug, renal chronic insufficiency, gout, urolithiasis, arrhythmia, as well as age to three years and weight less than fifteen kilograms.

Dosage and route of administration

Tablets of isoprinosine can be taken after meals. Thus it is necessary to wash down them with a lot of water. The standard dosage of isoprinosine for children is 50 milligrams per kilogram of body weight. In this case, the daily allowance should be divided into three or four doses. If a severe form of an infectious disease is diagnosed, then individually the dose can be increased. However, more than one hundred milligrams per kilogram of weight for four to six receptions per day can not be taken. The method of using isoprinosine in acute forms of the disease is similar, but treatment usually lasts not 5-8 days, but two weeks. In general, it is necessary to continue taking the drug two more days after the clinical symptoms have completely disappeared.

Constipation, pain in the epigastrium or joints, exacerbation of gout, diarrhea, polyuria, dizziness and headaches - such side effects of isoprinosin may provoke in children taking the drug.


In autumn and spring, when the children's organism is particularly prone to viral infections, the doctor may recommend isoprinosine for the prevention of those children who are often sick during these periods. Before giving isoprinosine to children, specify the dosage for the pediatrician. It is usually recommended to take 50 milligrams of the drug per kilogram of weight. The whole dose should be divided into two or three doses, and the course of prevention should not be less than two weeks.

Mom should take into account that the most effective will be the use of isoprinosine in case of influenza or ARVI if the reception starts immediately after they let know about themselves the first symptoms of the disease. The best option is the first few hours. The next day your child may have a noticeable improvement, but the drug can not be canceled, because the weakened by pathogenic viruses organism will be powerless before them.