What to bring from Costa Rica?

The state of Costa Rica is famous throughout the world for its ecotourism. Souvenirs from this country also produce from environmentally friendly materials that do not violate the balance of nature and biodiversity. After visiting excursions and relaxing on the beaches , you should take care of a memorable gift for loved ones.

Popular souvenirs for memory

Wooden souvenirs from Costa Rica

Prices for local souvenirs in Costa Rica do not overestimate, money directly goes to the pockets of artisans. Usually products are made by hand, that is why they differ in quality and durability. An unusual and popular souvenir is a wooden cart drawn by bulls. It is a symbol of the country, which is often called a coach. He played an important historical role: thanks to the cart aborigines took coffee from the mountains on the coast. To buy such a mini-copy is better in the capital of crafts - Alajuela .

The indigenous population of the country in constant battles with the Spanish invaders used as a guard for the mask of the boruk. At present, this is one of the most exotic and interesting souvenirs. The products are painted in bright colors and depict animals on them. Material for masks is used natural: cedar and balsa. Usually the cost of a souvenir depends on the complexity and size, and ranges from 25 to 100 US dollars.

Throughout the state in the local markets you can buy a variety of products. Most often they are made from tropical trees - these are beads, bracelets, boxes, animal figurines, and teapots from an amazing rosewood. The price of the latter is about $ 20, but some sellers sometimes overstate the cost, so you need to consider this fact.

Souvenirs from ceramics

After shopping, you can go to the historic village of Guayitil: here lives the people of Chorotega, who is known for his unique ceramics. Travelers will be acquainted here with the process of the birth of vases, plates, pans and sculptures made in the form of animals. This method of production has been preserved since the pre-Columbian era. To create dishes used clay and natural dyes. Souvenirs in this village cost from 15 to 200 dollars.


In Costa Rica, they produce and sell excellent jewelry from gold, silver and all kinds of precious and semiprecious stones. On the shelves of stores there are replicas of products of the pre-Columbian period. Interesting souvenirs are products made of shells, corals, wood and beads.


The main production in local villages is embroidery and weaving. Most of the patterns express the relationship between aborigines and nature. Here you can see flowers, butterflies, birds. Especially popular are fabrics for pillowcases, tablecloths and stoles with intricate and geometric patterns. You can also buy national clothes and shirts.

Produce in Costa Rica and colored hammocks, which are made with the technique of macrame using the best cotton. The price ranges from 15 to 100 US dollars.

Products from Costa Rica

Of course, coffee is the most popular food soup from Costa Rica. It is sold in specialized stores (gift wrapping) and in grocery stores (budget option). On the packages you can see the notes:

The most delicious drink is obtained from the grains of strong and medium roast. The most popular brands are Doka and Dota (by the way, Doc's coffee plantations are available for tourists). Travelers are also taken home by rum. The drink of Bacardi Reserve, which has a 16-year exposure, is in great demand. Buy it is only in special boutiques. Another praise Cafe Rica - a creamy coffee liqueur, suitable more for women.

Costa Rica is famous for its sauces for rice, fish and meat. They are made from green, red pepper, and also from tropical fruits: pineapple, mango and passion fruit.

What else can you bring from Costa Rica?

Exotic memorabilia will also include: