First aid with bruises

Unfortunately, no one is insured against bruises. In transport, a store or any other public place, we are bruised. Few people immediately attach importance to them. When the skin is not damaged, people, as a rule, do not pay attention to a blow or a jerk. However, recognizing the degree of injury immediately is very important in order to avoid unpleasant consequences.

A bruise leads to rupture of blood vessels and lymph nodes, resulting in internal hemorrhage. The main symptoms of bruises are severe pain, the appearance of a bruise, swelling. There are four main degrees of bruising:

  1. The first degree. Contusion of the first degree is characterized by insignificant damage to the skin, small abrasions and scratches. It passes painlessly for 3-4 days.
  2. The second degree. With such a bruise, there is a rupture of muscle tissue, the formation of a hematoma and edema. There is a sharp pain, overall health worsens.
  3. Third degree. A third degree bruise appears due to a strong impact. There is damage to the muscles and tendons, sometimes a dislocation is possible. Especially dangerous are such bruises for the head, knee, coccyx, joints.
  4. Fourth degree. Fourth degree injury is extremely dangerous for health. The bruised part of the body ceases to function.

Treatment of various injuries occurs depending on their severity. Each part of the human body reacts differently to a bruise. If a severe bruise of the arm or leg goes away without a trace, the head injury can lead to irreversible processes in the brain. If you can not determine the severity of the bruise yourself, then you should contact a traumatologist. The doctor will be able to identify any harm done to your health and determine how to properly treat a bruise.

How to provide first aid with bruises?

Everyone needs to know how to provide first aid with bruises. Correct actions can eliminate the possible consequences. So, consider the main types of bruises that occur in adults and children:

When from the moment of a bruise passes 24 hours, the need for a cold compress is eliminated. Now the damaged area should be warmed up. A warm compress helps to remove swelling and swelling, as well as resorption of the hematoma. To accelerate this process, there are various means from bruises. You can get advice and choose the most suitable drug in any pharmacy. The use of such ointments from bruises, like Dolobien gel, indovazin and others, will help quickly get rid of the pain and bruise.

If visible signs of a bruise have already passed, and the pain still remains, then it should be registered in the physiological cabinet. Magnetotherapy and electrophoresis will not only relieve pain, but will also be an excellent preventative against other diseases.