Furuncle in nose

Furuncle in the nose - acute purulent-necrotic inflammation of the hair follicle, sebaceous gland and surrounding tissues, arising on the eve of the nose or on its internal walls. How to recognize and cure a furuncle in the nose, we will consider further.

Causes of boils in the nose

The appearance of furuncles is caused by pyogenic bacteria, most often - staphylococcus aureus. The causes of infection can be:

Symptoms of a nasal boil

The main symptom of a furuncle in the nose is acute pain in the area of ​​the inflammatory process, which is a cone-shaped formation with limited edges. A few days later on the top of the formation there is an abscess of white and yellow color. A few days later, the boil ripens "ripens." Thus, the furuncle of the nose in its development passes through two stages:

The skin of the tip or wings of the nose becomes red, edematous, and very painful when touched, when a furuncle develops. Edema can spread to the nasolabial region and upper lip.

In most cases, the appearance of the boil almost does not affect the general condition of the body. However, sometimes an increase in body temperature and general weakness is observed, and in the late stages of the disease, a nasal breathing disorder is possible.

Complications of the nasal boil

With the localization of the furuncle in the nose, which is a purulent-inflammatory process in the soft tissues of the head, development of purulent thrombophlebitis of the facial veins is possible. This further threatens the development of meningitis, sepsis or septicopyemia, with the formation of multiple abscesses in various tissues and organs. The main danger of a boil in the nose is that the infection can penetrate the brain.

How to treat a boil in the nose?

At once it is necessary to notice, that independently to treat, and furthermore to try to squeeze out a furuncle in no event it is impossible. If symptoms of the inflammatory process are detected, the doctor should be consulted immediately. Depending on the severity of the process, inpatient or outpatient treatment of the furuncle in the nose will be indicated.

If the disease lasts up to three days, then, as a rule, the furuncle is still at the stage of infiltration. In this case, conservative treatment is performed, at which the following preparations of local and systemic action are prescribed:

If the boil is at the stage of abscessing, surgical treatment is shown - opening of the boil. This process is carried out under local anesthesia. After opening, the wound is cleaned, drainage is provided to release the purulent discharge. On the furuncle area a moist sterile bandage is subsequently applied.

When relapsing the boil, autohemotherapy is prescribed, specific immunotherapy with the use of antistaphylococcal drugs, bacteriophages, etc.

Prevention of the appearance of boils

To prevent furuncles, the following basic measures should be observed: