What to feed the British kittens?

British kittens require a particularly reverent attitude towards themselves. The owners of these beautiful creatures should pay special attention to their proper nutrition.

How can you feed a British kitten?

Let's start with the smallest representative - a month-old British kitten. What to feed it, how not by natural kinds of products. For example, beef. To saturate, the kitten will have enough and forty grams of meat a day. And, of course, it will be better if you boil the meat, otherwise there may be worms.

But if you decide to give the meat raw, before that, at least glaze it in the freezer. Then it must be thawed slowly. This procedure will kill all worm larvae and bacteria.

If the meat can sometimes be given raw, then the fish is strictly prohibited. Only sea boiled will do. Well, still have to clean the waterfowl from the bones. And do not separate, it will be better if your cat will take water food once a week. Otherwise, urolithiasis can develop.

With regard to dairy products, there is an opinion that cats are all very fond of. Yes, not always so. In addition, frequent use of milk leads to a disorder of the stomach. Sometimes you can give the cottage cheese to the British, after all there is calcium.

Do not bypass the porridge of semolina, rice and oatmeal. And you can also make mashed potatoes from vegetables.

Although, to avoid all this trouble with natural foods, you can transfer the cat to dry food. Then it is better to take the best food to avoid various diseases.

What is the best way to feed a British kitten?

Today in pet stores a large selection of different feeds, including premium , which should be chosen. This is an excellent balanced feed. It does not cause health problems and does not require a lot of additional funds such as vitamins and other food supplements.

The feeding should be given to the child at the age of eight or ten weeks. Feed the kitten often, up to six times a day. And in order not to suffer with the constant spilling of food back and forth, it is better to leave the dry food for the kittens in mind, so that the furry always had access to food.

After a couple of months, two or three kittens will switch to three meals a day, and by eight months will only eat twice.

British lop-eared kittens are very clean, and before you feed, make sure that their bowls are clean. After all, if they stumble upon dirt, they may refuse to eat at all.

The Lloux must always have clean water in the bowl. Therefore, change it once a day, the kitten will say thank you.

And finally - vitamins. The British are a very active feline people. Therefore, you can not do without vitamins. Especially lop-eared, tender ears without calcium in any way. But what can you give your cat, and what can not, you will tell an experienced specialist, do not do anything yourself.

What can not feed British kittens?

Alcohol is not only the scourge of humanity, but of everything living on this Earth. Cats are no exception, even the British. Smoked is contraindicated to absolutely everyone. Just like salty and sweet. Various spices are bad for the health of a kitten and an adult cat. Even do not think to feed the animal with marinades, canned goods, sweets and coffee. Pates and jams are sold only for people.

Finally, we note that if your kitten or adult British cat refuses food, although perfectly healthy, and you are sure of it, do not force it to eat. The kitten has its own reasons for this behavior. Hungry - will eat. And if you notice that the animal is vilifying or vomiting, contact the veterinarian. This can be a symptom of a serious illness.