Vitamins for women after 40

The fortieth is a transition period in the life of women. By this time most of the ladies had already taken place as wives, mothers, careerists. Well, what next? It's time to rethink what was done and to set new goals. Taking vitamins after 40 is also a kind of new goal. After all, you must consciously pay even more attention, love and cherish yourself, like never before.

What happens in the body after 40?

Functions of the ovaries are suppressed, there are irregularities in the menstrual cycle (too abundant or scant excretions, disruptions in the cycle), all this suggests that estrogens - female sex hormones, are no longer produced in full.

As a result, first of all skin and hair suffer (something that does not represent a special importance for the organism, receives a smaller dose of nutrients in the internal distribution). The skin becomes thin and dry, you are attacked by wrinkles, hair begins to fall out and fade, the sex drive falls. If you want the body to not regret nutrients for hair and skin, you should do so that they come in abundance.


Of course, it is obvious that all vitamins should be consumed in full without exception. After all, this is the only way to save external data, but also to prevent the "bells" of chronic diseases and women's ailments, which are especially insidious at this age. But nevertheless, there are a number of the most important vitamins for women after 40-ka, about them and we will talk.

Vitamin A

Under the name of this female vitamin after 40 years we mean retinol and beta-carotene. Retinol is vitamin A itself, which is toxic in high doses, and carotene is a provitamin, from which the body itself synthesizes retinol, so we can consume it without limit.


Vitamin A is an antioxidant, it prevents dry skin, stimulates the production of collagen, and also strengthens the vessels.

Vitamin D

Vitamin sun, because a ten-minute sun bath is enough to cover the daily requirement. And in the winter, you have to look for "terrestrial" sources of this vitamin:

The amount of consumption of this vitamin for women after 40 years directly affects the absorption of calcium, and, accordingly, protects against osteoporosis, fractures, strengthens the teeth, rejuvenates the skin.

Vitamin C

Another antioxidant. It increases immunity and serves as a prophylaxis for exacerbation of all diseases that attack, just after forty, including various "female" oncological diseases (breast, ovaries, cervix):

Vitamin B12

B12 is a vitamin for the brain and nervous system. Due to the fact that the first manifestations of menopause worsen psychological well-being - often there is insomnia, unreasonable sweating, mood swings, apathy , this vitamin is just what you need to keep a smile and calm at any age. Contained in all products of animal origin.


However, covering the norm on the basis of plant foods is simply unrealistic, since the distinctive property of group B vitamins is that the percentage of assimilation from plants is simply insignificant, in contrast to meat.


However, we paid attention only to what vitamins to take after 40-ka, and in fact the cause of female ailments at this age is, as we already mentioned, a lower production of female hormones. Maybe just take them from the outside?

Phytoestrogens are hormones similar to those produced by female ovaries, but are of vegetable origin. Their action is identical, but weaker - they affect the skin, sexual desire, normalize the cycle and mood, it's like, artificial prolongation of youth, deception of the body, or something.

In Western countries, consumption of phytohormones is very popular, they say that they really slow down the aging process. But, of course, only a very highly qualified doctor can prescribe such drugs.

The main source of youth at any age should be a favorite thing, an uncontrollable craving for new achievements. Simply put, find a reason to live.

List of vitamin complexes: