When does the child begin to turn over?

From the very first day of the appearance of crumbs, he begins to explore the world around him and gradually master various skills both physically and emotionally-psychologically. Many parents show interest in the development stages of the child, and some even maintain a special diary with records. The first significant act of physical activity is the emergence of a complex of animation and the ability to hold the head. Then comes the period when the child begins to turn over. The need for a coup arises in the child due to increased activity: he is no longer the passively lying baby he was in one month, he is interested in exploring the world around him. And you can do this only by moving in space.

Motor skills are the main indicator of the level of development of a child under the age of one year. First he holds the head, then there comes a period when the baby starts turning over, sitting down, standing, walking. And this is a difficult learning phase for learning, it takes place during the first year of its development.

Initially, the child looks at surrounding objects, toys, then begins to reach out to them with his hand, but sometimes does not reach the desired object. In this case, the moment comes when the child turns over on his side to get the toy that interests him. He begins to study with interest the peculiarities of finding his own body in space. And when he does not just lie looking at the ceiling, but begins to show the first independent motor skills, his horizon and area of ​​study of the surrounding world is expanding.

At what age do children turn over? Do you need to teach this child?

There is no consensus on how much the child begins to overturn, because each kid is individual in his development. There is a certain framework of age development, when a coup is considered the most optimal. This occurs at the age of three to six months. A thin baby will be easier and faster to start turning over than a child with a larger body weight. However, a coup in two months and six months is also considered the norm of development.

It often happens that the child turns over in one direction more easily than the other. In this case, parents need to stimulate the child's coup and the other way for symmetrical development of the body.

If the child has already turned 6 months old, and he can not turn over, you can begin to deal with him, practicing the skills of the coup.

How to teach a child to roll over?

The first thing to do is special exercises, so that the child learns to turn over. The adult acts as a guide for the child and can help in mastering the coup. To do this, Mom should put the toy from the child on the side, so that it stretches to her. You can help him at the same time, winding his leg or pulling the handle in the right direction. During the game, you need to periodically change the location of the toy from one side, then the other from the child. It is important that the child at the same time received positive emotions, which will strengthen his success in mastering motor skills. It is necessary to encourage and praise the baby, so that he felt successful and knew that everything was working out for him. Such support from his mother is most needed.

What else can you do to make the child turn over? To teach a child the skill of the coup, you can do the following:

Important points

Do not teach a child coups when he is not in the mood, tired or hungry, as this can cause him negative emotions.

Parents need to be constantly vigilant and monitor the safety of finding the baby on an even, space-limited surface in order to avoid falls and injuries.

It should be remembered that your child develops individually. And no matter how much he turns over, this is his stage of development, through which he must pass. And do not worry too much if the baby refuses to turn over in 5-6 months. There will come a moment and you will tremblingly remember the time when the child was inactive and it was so easy to dress or put him to sleep.