Children of drug addicts

Everyone knows that alcohol, nicotine and drugs are the main enemies of mankind, and that all these substances have a harmful effect on the human body. In this article we will look at the impact of drugs on a future child. And let's try to answer the question: "What kind of children are born with addicts?"

Today, more often on the streets of the city you can see women with a cigarette or a bottle of beer. It became the norm of life. Often there are women with a huge belly and a cigarette in their teeth. In many maternity hospitals there were places for smoking patients (yes, yes it is patients - expectant mothers, with a baby under the heart). Women simply can not resist the habit, and sometimes just do not want to do it. Not wanting to quit smoking, drinking or using drugs, future mothers expose their child to a colossal negative impact. Few will come to mind to pour wine and beer into a bottle of the baby, and while consuming alcohol, a drug or nicotine during pregnancy, you do almost the same thing.

Problems with health in children of drug addicts

Children born from addicts are addicted from birth. They cried for a long time, their body needs a dose, it tests, so-called "breaking". In the womb, the fetus received the narcotic substance through the blood of the mother. His body can no longer live without a drug. And this is only a small part of the effect of the drug on the baby. Children of parents of drug addicts almost always come into the world with serious incurable pathologies.

The use of various smoking drugs (marijuana, hashish, etc.) leads to the fact that children are born dystrophic and rarely gain weight. The circumference of their head is always less than that of healthy children. Very often they suffer from visual and hearing impairments.

The use of amphetamine during childbearing leads to the fact that children are born inferior and mentally retarded. This is due to the fact that the mother has impaired blood circulation.

Cocaine-dependent mums in most cases give birth to dead children. If the fetus survives, then it will be severely affected by the urinary system.

Lysergic acid, or abbreviated LSD provokes the occurrence of genetic mutations in the fetus. And also its use can lead to placental abruption and premature birth.

Parents addicts who use heroin, risk the life of the child. Most often, babies are susceptible to fast death syndrome. And the survivors are strikingly different from their peers, their speech and motor skills are poorly developed, they are practically incapable of learning.

And if drugs are in the past?

Even rough youth can make its mark on the health of the child. Children of former drug addicts can be born with congenital craniofacial defects (wolf mouth, hare lip, fused eyelids), severe heart defects and various diseases, such as cerebral palsy, epilepsy, etc.

In addition to all these health problems, the children of the fathers and mothers of drug addicts are doomed after the birth to a lack of attention from their parents. Very often in the same families improper conditions of existence. Around the garbage, dirt, devastation. Grief-parents are keen on finding a new dose and do not pay attention to their child. Such children, even if they were born relatively healthy, strongly lag behind in development. Later they begin to crawl, walk, talk. They are more often sick, but only social services pay attention to this. And the kid will be very lucky if he can be taken away from such a family before any trouble happens.

From all that has been said above, one can draw a logical conclusion: drugs are evil. They do not bring anything good into our lives. Their negative impact on our future children is scientifically proven. So is it worth to expose the future generation to such terrible diseases, if it is possible today and now to say to drugs "no!".