Hiccups in newborns - what to do?

In the life of every parent there comes a time when they first encounter such a phenomenon as a baby's hiccup.


Even before doing anything, it is necessary to establish the causes of hiccups in newborns.

  1. The main reason for this phenomenon, pediatricians, is the weak connection between the brain and the diaphragm.
  2. The second reason can be called overeating: a hiccup in a newborn is observed after excessive feeding. In addition, the baby can swallow a lot of air together with the food, which causes the contraction of the diaphragm, resulting in a hiccup.
  3. Often the cause of its appearance in newborns can be banal hypothermia. This is explained by the fact that the nervous system in a baby is quite imperfect, and the mechanisms of thermoregulation are not yet fully debugged.


Many mothers wonder why a newborn baby hiccups for a long time and often. It should be noted that the duration of this phenomenon has nothing to do with anything and can be different. On average, the baby hiccups for 15 minutes. However, this process can take up to half an hour. In this case, it is necessary to take measures that will stop the hiccough.

What to do?

If a newborn's hiccups first appeared, parents usually do not know what to do and how to treat it. Adhering to the following tips, you can prevent the occurrence of this phenomenon.

  1. In the case when the hiccup is the result of overeating, the mother must control the food and reduce the amount of servings.
  2. If a child swallows a lot of air while feeding from a bottle, in order for it to go out, it is necessary to swear a child in the arms in an upright position before regurgitation. In this case, the baby should be pressed to the mummy's tummy.
  3. When breastfeeding, you need to monitor the correctness of the baby's gripping breast. In doing so, he must simultaneously grip the nipple with the areola. In such a situation, getting rid of hiccups helps to change the position of the crumbs when feeding.
  4. If the hiccup of a newborn has already begun, then it can be cured in one simple way: just give the baby some water, or attach it to the breast, as with feeding. After several sips taken, this problem disappears by itself.
  5. Quite often the baby hiccups due to hypothermia. In such a situation it is necessary for a child to wear socks.
  6. In most cases, this phenomenon does not cause the crumbs special inconveniences, so you can, without taking any action, just wait it out.


Each mother, adhering daily to a few simple rules, can make sure that her crumbs never appear hiccups. If your child is on artificial feeding , then you should constantly monitor the condition of the nipple on the bottle. If the hole on it is very large - get a pacifier with a smaller flow. This will reduce the likelihood of hiccups after feeding.

Do not let the child become hypothermic, always watch the temperature of his body and limbs.

After feeding, wait until the baby bows, holding it in his arms vertically.

Thus, hiccups are not a pathology that requires treatment. However, in some cases (rarely), it can be a symptom of a complex disease, which is accompanied by a disruption of the nervous system and brain. In such cases, if this phenomenon occurs quite often, without explainable reasons, it is necessary to turn to the pediatrician. But usually, almost all parents independently cope with hiccups in newborns, without resorting to the help of specialist doctors.