Hanging breasts

Some women dream of a big breast, others are satisfied with its small size. But every girl is sure that only resilient and tightened mammary glands can be attractive. Because women with hanging breasts are experiencing great discomfort and unhappy appearance. It is necessary to understand the reasons for sagging, to find out how to cope with the problem that has already arisen.

What is mastoptosis?

This is how specialists call breastfeeding. The doctor will accurately determine the degree of ptosis, but a woman can try to do it herself.

First you need to find a submammary fold. So the line on which the iron is attached is called. Ptosis is characterized by the lowering of the gland tissues below the level of this fold. Normally, the nipple should be above the line. The lower it is in relation to it, the stronger the degree of mastoptosis, and it is therefore more difficult to cope with the problem.

Causes of Mastoptosis

There are a number of factors that affect the omission of the mammary glands:

  1. Age changes. Aging is a physiological process, women face ptosis by about 40-50 years.
  2. Genetics. Heredity affects a number of metabolic processes, which are responsible for the elasticity of the breast.
  3. Changes in the hormonal background. Significant changes occur in pregnant and lactating women in the mammary glands. The chest swells, and after the lactation is completed, the skin and muscles can remain flabby. The situation is aggravated by improperly organized breastfeeding.
  4. The size of the mammary glands. Hanging breasts are often larger than small. This is due to the peculiarities of the ligament apparatus. He can not always hold large breasts well.
  5. Incorrect posture. Often occurs in those women who are used to hunch, are forced to stay in a sitting position for a long time.

How to remove the hanging breasts?

There are a number of methods that can help solve the problem.

Cosmetical tools

In the shops you can find various creams, lotions, masks, which will help give the skin tone. These drugs do not give a pronounced effect, but are a good preventive. Also, there are funds that include hormones. They lead to an increase in the number of glandular tissue, during use, the breast becomes slightly larger.

Home Masks

Some cosmetics can be prepared by yourself:

  1. Mask of cottage cheese. It is necessary to take about 150 gr of cottage cheese, grind it with 100 g of sour cream and 30 g of honey. The mixture is applied to the breast for half an hour, then rinse with warm water.
  2. Of oatmeal. You need to pour about a glass of flakes 200 grams of boiling water. After 20 minutes, apply the mixture on the body, then rinse with water.
  3. Potato mask. One potato boiled in the peel needs to be cleaned, crushed, add 40 ml of sunflower oil, 20 grams of cream and honey.

Home wraps

  1. Olive. On a water bath you need to warm up a little olive oil. Then they moisten the gauze, put it on the chest. From above you can wrap this zone with polyethylene. Oil prevents aging and stimulates the renewal processes in the skin.
  2. With algae. For wrapping you will need:

First, the algae is poured with water and insisted for about 2 hours. Then add the oil and clay. This mixture should be applied to the chest, cover it with polyethylene and a towel. After 30 minutes, this composition should be washed off.


Regular workouts can help improve the appearance. It is worth paying attention to such exercises:


Follow the procedure with soft circular movements of the fingers. It is good to combine self-massage with a contrast shower.

Salon procedures

Specialists can offer such methods of correction:

Surgical intervention

Mastepexy is considered to be the only method capable of giving a noticeable radical effect.

The problem of mastoptosis under certain circumstances can affect women of any age. Even young girls face hanging breasts. Because care of the body, exercise is necessary from a young age.