Ashy hair color

One of the noblest is considered an ashy shade of hair, which at the same time is also the most capricious. To achieve a steel shine of curls without yellowness is not an easy task. Today we will talk about the specifics of dyeing hair in ash color taking into account the native shade and caring for them.

Ash blond

Most often, the concept of "ashy" is just the color of white hair with a steel cast. When deciding to give hair a shade, you should consider several rules. The fact is that the hair color is ashy blonde:

Therefore, before dyeing, it is important to tidy the skin. Owners of the round face and women with wrinkles from ashy hair color is better to refuse. The same applies to dark-skinned males with dark brown eyes - with their appearance such a blonde will disharmonize.

How to achieve ashy hair color?

The peculiarity of ash color is the presence in its composition of substances which, when reacting with a reddish or chestnut pigment, give a green or purple hue. For this reason, brunettes and brown-haired women need to treat the hair with a special wash before painting - it will remove excess pigment, and the ash color will lie evenly.

This procedure of blonding is carried out with a break in a few days, and only then dye your hair in an ashy color.

The tips of the hair in this case, it is better to cut, since they will not be able to restore their structure after washing and the paint, and they will give the hair a disheveled look.

If you want to get a pearly-ashy hair color, the recommendations will be the same: first the pigment wash, then the staining.

The best light colors with an ash drop are laid on gray or light hair of nature - in this case, the staining will be the least troublesome.

Saving Color

A few weeks after staining, the ashy hair color can give yellowness due to its inherent instability. To maintain the desired tone, you need to use special shampoos for ashy hair and shade balms.

Another problem is the growing roots, which is especially unpleasant for natural brunettes and brown-haired women. They have to repeat the pre-clarification procedure before each root painting. In addition, it is important to get a tone in tone with the previous color - so it's important to use the same paint.

Dark brown and other shades

To shade ringlets with steel notes can not only blondes. Girls of the "summer" color type are very brown-ashy hair color, emphasizing the cold shade of the skin.

Another winning tone that suits absolutely everyone except dark-skinned, dark-blond ashy hair color. For a long time he was undeservedly considered "boring", but now naturalness comes into fashion, and the choice of such a shade will only emphasize the excellent taste of its owner. Recolor in this tone is not difficult, although the brunette again will have to take care of the preliminary clarification.

If you naturally light blond hair color, ash drop can be obtained even with the help of a toning balm - this will refresh the image and not cause damage to the head with clarifiers.

Hair care

To achieve ashen color of hair, as a rule, it is possible, having sacrificed health of curls. Due to the infinite clarification and tinting, the head of hear loses its brilliance and strength, the tips become sloppy. Therefore, the owner of an ashy shade (especially blondes) is extremely important to pamper hair with nutritious masks from oils and fermented milk products. To wash a head it is necessary soft water, and for a rinse to use broths of medicinal grasses: camomiles, a neetle, a sage.