The second month of a newborn's life

In the second month of the newborn's life there are numerous changes. Thus, the infant's movements become more coordinated, which is explained by the preparation of the muscular apparatus for meaningful movements in the future.

Features of the development of the muscular apparatus

As is known, from the moment of birth the lower and upper limbs of the child are in a half-bent state. This is caused by excessive muscle tone. However, every day, mom can independently observe how the child's cams shrink. The palm gradually becomes fully open by the end of the second month of life.

At this time, the baby still does not know how to hold the head by itself, when lying in the supine position. But, at the same time, he constantly tries to do it. If the mother will spread it on his tummy more often, by the end of the second month he will be able to hold his head independently for 15-20 seconds. It is best to perform such a procedure before feeding the baby.

The development of the muscular apparatus of the baby is also facilitated by bathing. In 2 months the newborn during the water procedures actively stirs the small arms and legs, which once again confirms that this process gives him a lot of emotions.

Development of visual and hearing aids

The eyes of the newborn are fully formed immediately from the moment of birth, but the focus is not perfect yet. That is why many mothers noted that the look of their newly born baby is somehow vague. But already in the second month of life there is an improvement in the eye apparatus, and it becomes interesting for the child to follow the eyes of the toys that his mother shows him. At the same time, demonstrate the objects at a distance no closer than 50 cm from the baby's face.

At first the child shuddered from the sounds, unfamiliar to him, and if they were sharp and loud, - he cried. Now he can distinguish them and even listen, turning his head toward the source. In addition, at this time he tries to make the first sounds himself.

Features of sleep and wakefulness

The waking time between feedings at this age is 1-1.5 hours. At this time, mom can work with the baby, but not more than 15 minutes. In this case, you can use a bright, colorful rattle and drive it from side to side, attracting in this way visual attention and training, thus, the eye apparatus.

Features of feeding and stools

Calculation of the required volume of the mixture is carried out solely according to the mass of the child. The interval between feedings is also 3 hours, as in the first month.

The chair is completely dependent on the type of feeding. Infants, who are breastfeeding, usually have a soft, yellow, cough-like stool. In infants eating artificial mixtures - a thick, viscous stool, yellow sometimes brownish in color. The frequency in this case in children who are breastfed and artificial feeding also differs. In artificial animals - 1-3 times a day, and with breastfeeding - 3-6 times and thus corresponds to the number of feedings per day.

Features of care

The skin of a newborn baby in the second month of life is tender, so it requires careful care. At the slightest waterlogging, diaper rash is immediately formed, it is rather difficult to struggle with. To prevent them, the mother should use special creams, ointments and timely change diapers.

Often at this time, the first brothel appears, which is the result of the fact that the thin skin has few more sebaceous and sweat glands.