When to plant hyacinths in the fall?

Such wonderful and universal flowers as hyacinths can only grow by those who know when to plant them in the fall. After all, if you do this a little earlier or later, you can simply ruin plants and never wait for the spring riot of colors.

Like other bulbs, hyacinth has its life cycle - it blooms, dries, digs out of the soil, is kept in a dry place, and then comes the time of planting hyacinths, which in autumn can drastically differ depending on the region. Let's find out when to properly disembark, so as not to damage the planting material.

When can hyacinths be planted in the fall?

As soon as warm days go to decline, and it happens around the end of September, you can already prepare for planting bulbs. But this time can vary, depending on climatic conditions. The inhabitants of the middle lane should be guided by the date of October 15, to which the planting works will be completed, since it is already possible to expect frosts.

In the southern regions, the delay is longer and may last until mid-November, but not later. The meaning of planting to stable colds is to allow plants to take root in a relatively warm ground. If this does not happen, hyacinths will simply freeze out. But if the surrounding temperature is too high, then hurrying, you can get the opposite result - the plants are actively moving into growth and the young greens will die at the first frosts, and with it the bulb.

How to prepare the soil?

Hyacinths do not respond well to planting in freshly digested soil, since when it shrinks, tender roots can be damaged. Therefore, the landing of hyacinths in autumn should be carried out in the prepared land. This should be done approximately a month and a half before landing. The soil is deeply digged, mineral fertilizers and humus are introduced and left to wait for their hour.

After learning when to plant hyacinths in the fall bulbs, you can secure your planting. After all, it is precisely the calculated time that largely influences the correct formation of dense buds and the viability of plants as a whole.