How to transplant the money tree at home?

It is a flower that has the scientific name of a toast or redoubt, according to an unofficial common opinion it is a kind of talisman that lures money and prosperity. It is believed that if the house has a money tree, then this brings the family luck in material affairs and promotes the growth of financial solvency. Believe it or not, but the correct care of the plant has not been canceled.

How to transplant a money tree?

That the plant grows well and develops, it needs proper care. If it's time to transplant the money tree because it's too tight in the pot or the land is exhausted, then you need to know all the subtleties of the upcoming event.

So, first of all, you need to know at what time of the year to transplant the money tree. The best period will be spring, namely - the beginning of May.

Another frequently asked question is how often to transplant the money tree? Since the plant grows rather slowly, it should not be done more than once a year. And then, provided that the flower grows in ideal conditions and grows rapidly. If you see that this is not necessary, you can transplant it less often - every 2-3 years.

In what pot and in what soil is the money tree transplanted?

Requirements for the pot and the soil are important, since the condition of the plant and its development directly depend on it. So, for the transplant most often use ready-made soil for succulents. But if you want, you can prepare the soil mixture yourself. To do this, mix the leaf and turf ground in a 3: 1 ratio, adding one piece of sand. And for soil nutrient it is recommended to add ash, clay and humus by handful.

As for the pot, each subsequent transplant should be carried out in a container of a slightly larger volume. At the bottom of the pot lay a layer of drainage (expanded clay).

The pot should be shallow and wide, as the root system grows in breadth and is located in the upper layer of the soil. And since the ground part of the plant is quite massive and can outweigh, the pot must necessarily be stable. For a money tree, heavy clay pots are more suitable than plastic ones.

Planting a money tree

When the pot and the soil are prepared, it's time to learn how to properly transplant the money tree at home by feng shui. On the drainage pebbles we pour so much land that it will fill the capacity by a quarter. At this stage, to activate the energy of the flower and attract wealth, you need to put a few monetary coins into the pot.

While holding the old pot, gently take the plant out of the trunk, shake it a little, but leave on the roots a part of the earth. Next, we lower the plant in a new pot in the center, sprinkle with the earth, without trampling it. Then we water it well and put it on a well-illuminated window sill, but not under direct sunlight.