Why do children draw whales?

Most children of preschool and school age adore drawing. But in some cases, moms and dads should be especially vigilant, especially if the subject matter of the drawings has changed dramatically. The reasons why children draw whales, there may be several:

  1. Recently they learned from parents, teachers or books about the life of these majestic animals and decided to practice in their image on paper.
  2. The child received a corresponding assignment from a teacher in drawing.
  3. The third, most terrible option - your son or daughter became a member of a very dangerous group in the social network VKontakte.

Why should we be alert when children draw whales?

In themselves, the largest mammals on earth, living in the water arteries of our planet, are completely harmless. But if the walls of the nursery are full of pictures from which these animals look at you from all colors and from all angles, it's time to sound the alarm. Consider why children can not often draw whales:

  1. These inhabitants of the sea depths sometimes thrown out without reason on the shore became a symbol for many communities of the VKontakte network (there are at least 1,500 of them) propagandizing suicide among teenagers. The real boom, after which their number increased several times, began after the suicide of sixteen-year-old Rina Palenkova, a native of Ussuriysk, who voluntarily stepped onto the railroad tracks and died under the convoy.
  2. Parents should always know why it is bad if the child draws whales. With a high degree of probability this symptom of mental unpleasantness is combined with increased fatigue (children sit in groups in social networks using marine mammals as symbols mostly at night), listening to psychedelic, gothic and other gloomy music, signs of melancholy, etc.
  3. You probably will be convinced by the following evidence of why you need to worry if the child is drawing whales. Community administrators who are pushing children to commit suicide, perfectly master psychological techniques and often pretend to be schoolchildren's friends, creating fake pages of their peers. In the course are neurolinguistic programming, urban legends about video that kill (like the movie "Call"), mysterious messages, ordinal numbers assigned to the group members and indicating the order of committing suicide by children, and much more. That's why it's very dangerous when your child draws whales. This is the first call to the fact that a teenager feels lonely and alienated and it's time to talk to him heart to heart.