Fertilizer in autumn

Caring for berry bushes includes many activities: weeding and pruning unnecessary branches (forming a bush), processing from diseases and pests, mulching and, of course, fertilizing. It is recommended to apply fertilizers for berries several times - during flowering, during active growth, during the filling (growth) of berries and in autumn (after harvesting).

In this article, we'll talk about how to feed the currant after fruiting.

Top dressing of black currant in autumn

Do not forget that all root fertilizing is only applied to moist soil - after good rain or copious irrigation. Neglect of this rule can lead to disastrous consequences - fertilization in dry ground will harm the roots and can lead to even complete destruction of the bush.

All types of currant respond very well to fertilizing, but you should carefully monitor that in the introduced complexes there was a minimum amount of chlorine - this element has a bad effect on the currant, worsening its growth and the general condition of the bush.

The best fertilizing for the currant in the fall is the application of organic fertilizers (bird droppings, manure or compost) under the bush, followed by shelter by the soil and mulching with sawdust, straw or billet. In total, under each bush you can make up to 6 kg of organic fertilizers.

After picking berries, black currant is treated with microfertilizers, in particular, with zinc and manganese, which increases the resistance to diseases.

Top dressing of red currant

Right after harvesting berries, it is desirable to process the red currant with a special complex for berry bushes ("Yagodka", "For fruit and berry", "For berry bushes").

You can apply fertilizers both under the root and on the leaves. In the second case, the concentration of nutrients should be lower so as not to damage the leaves and shoots. Sprinkle bushes better in the evening or in cloudy weather.

A good result is given by the feeding of red currants with manganese, boron and copper - this improves the quality of the crop and helps to increase the immunity of the bush.

For those who can not afford to spend a lot of time caring for the garden, but still wants to get good harvests of the currant, sowing plant-siderates in the inter-row is suitable. Under the bushes of red currants are sown lupine, mustard or vetch, and in the autumn row spacing is dug together with the green mass of the siderates.

Autumn mulching between rows of manure or compost will also benefit the red currant.

As you can see, in autumn it is no less important to feed the currant than in the period of active vegetation. Proper preparation for the cold will help the berrymen to winter more successfully and in the next year to give a plentiful harvest.