Cherry "Shpanka"

Who happened to visit Ukraine, they know - it is absolutely impossible to imagine Ukrainian villages without cherry orchards. And one of the most cherished varieties of cherries - a pint.

Cherry Blossom - description

Today it is already impossible to say exactly who was the first to succeed in crossing cherries and cherries. But you can say without exaggeration that the experiment was successful. The variety of cherry "Shpanka" obtained as a result of popular selection differs in weight of advantages, beginning from high flavoring qualities and finishing ability to suffer serious frosts (up to -35 degrees) without appreciable losses. The berries are big and juicy, they have a rounded-flattened shape and a dark color of the skin. The average weight of each of them is approximately 4.5 grams.

A bone at the shpanka is small and easily separated from the pulp. The first harvest from the shpanki can be obtained already for the fifth year after planting. Adult tree can annually give up to 50 kg of juicy fragrant berries, and it fructifies like a sweet cherry - clusters on annual branches.

Special care does not require a pintle - it is enough to plant it in a well-lit area with fertile soil. In areas with a low nutrient content in the soil, the tree may suffer from cracking of the bark. By placing several trees in one section, it is necessary to maintain between them intervals of 4-4.5 meters. You can plant a punk in autumn or spring.

Cherry pancake has several varieties and every year their number increases due to the work of breeders. Most recently, there were Donetsk and Bryansk cherry blossom varieties.

Cherry "Shpanka Donetska"

Donetsk shpanka appeared as a result of crossing cherry varieties "Donchanka" and cherries varieties "Valery Chkalov." Its main advantages are the early sort of ripening of the harvest and very large berries (10-12 grams). During the fruiting period, the Donetsk shpunka enters already 3-4 years after planting. From one tree of Donetsk shpanka it is possible to collect about 40-50 kg of berries.

Cherry "Shpanka Bryanskaya"

Bryansk shpunka is the result of the work of the breeder MV Kanshina. It is characterized by an excellent degree of resistance to frost, pests and diseases. The berries of the Bryansk shpanka, though not as large as those of the Donetsk (4.5-5 grams), but have a pleasant taste and are perfectly preserved. The tree is medium-sized, with a compact rounded crown. From one tree you can remove 30-40 kg of berries.