Ficus care at home in winter

If for truck farmers and gardeners the long-awaited period of rest comes in winter, then domestic flower growers only have to dream about it. In winter, they have to take care of creating certain conditions for green pupils, which help them to fully rest between periods of active growth. About what care in the home is necessary to ensure the winter ficus, we'll talk today.

Ficus care in winter

It does not matter which plant from the numerous family of fig trees settled on your windowsill - the ficus of Benjamin, the rubber or bonsai, the winter care should be carried out in accordance with the following rules:

  1. The air temperature is not above +20 degrees. Although the ficus is a fairly thermophilic plant, in winter it needs a certain decrease in temperature. So, best of all he will feel himself at a temperature of +15 ... +16 degrees. The upper limit of heat in winter for this plant will be a mark of +20 degrees, and the bottom (subject to almost complete cessation of watering) - +10 degrees.
  2. Moderate watering . With the onset of autumn, the ficus needs correction of the drinking regime, namely, reduction of their quantity and volumes. In winter, it is enough to water the ficus once 1-1.5 weeks. Determine the onset of time to give a green pet can be done with a simple test - after trying the ground in the pot to touch. In this case spraying from the sprayer and periodically wiping the leaves of the fig with a damp soft cloth and in winter are all included in the list of compulsory measures for caring for it.
  3. Good lighting . Despite everything, in winter ficus requires all the same volume of sunlight as in the summer. Solve the problem in two ways: by changing the pot with it to the south or south-west window, or by organizing additional illumination with a special lamp. Lack of light in the winter can lead to the fact that the leaves of the ficus will fall off. This is especially true of the variegated forms of the fig tree of Benjamin.
  4. Periodic feeding . By and large, ficus feeding can be postponed until the spring, having arranged for it a full-fledged winter "vacation". But if, as a replacement for the lack of sunlight, lighting is used with the help of special phytolamps, the ficus can and should be fed in winter, using the usual fertilizers in a weaker concentration.