How to make New Year's toys?

What a New Year without a wonderful forest beauty, carefully decorated with a variety of New Year's toys, which, incidentally, it is not necessary to buy in the store, and you can do it yourself. Or maybe you have long wanted to make New Year's Christmas toys, but just do not know how. Now we will tell you. And you, by the way, try to involve children in the making of New Year crafts, then the toys will definitely become loved, because they made them with their own hands.

Toys from salted dough

  1. Baking lovers know that the test is difficult to give a clear form, so how to make toys out of it and even New Year's? There are no special secrets here, just to make a New Year's toy with your own hands, the dough should be thick, about as dumplings, and salty. Take a glass of flour, half a cup of salt, a little water and vegetable oil and mix the dough. Roll out is not very thin dough and cut out of it different figures. Ask the child to help make simple hands with New Year toys, such as balls, just make sure that they are not too big to dry for a long time did not have to.
  2. We put into the toy a thread or a piece of wire, for which we will hang, and we send the toy for drying. It can be dried in the air, which will take 1-3 days, on a battery or in a low-temperature (50 ° C) oven. During drying, do not forget to turn toys.
  3. Completely dried up toy it was necessary to paint and varnish only. You can also decorate with beads, feathers, colored ribbons.

Flashlight on the Christmas tree

Not the most unusual New Year's toy, which is easy to make with your own hands, but absolutely exactly one of the most beloved ones. To produce it, you need colored paper, scissors, glue or a stapler and a small piece of paper denser.

  1. We fold a sheet of colored paper in half and make cuts, leaving intact a couple of centimeters from the edge.
  2. We unfold the colored paper, turn it into a tube and glue the ends of the sheet. Lightly squeeze the flashlight from above and below to give it a shape.
  3. Take a sheet of heavier paper and make from it a tube of diameter slightly smaller than a flashlight - this will be its core.
  4. We fix the core and colored paper with the help of glue or stapler.

To make the flashlight look more elegant, it can be cut out of foil or decorated with rain and sparkles, pasting them on colored paper. And most importantly, such New Year's toys can be made with their own hands, both small and large, and use them to decorate both the Christmas tree and the house. For large toys, make a sheet of colored paper of the size that we want to see the flashlight, gluing several small leaves together. But the bigger the flashlight, the denser the core should be.

Soft fur-tree toys

Dear "plushkin", storing colorful scraps, all kinds of beads and ribbons, your time has come. After all, in order to make a soft New Year's toy with their own hands, your reserves will come at an opportune moment. We need scraps of cloth of different color and texture, pencil, scissors, sintepon or other material for packing, long satin ribbons (if they are not, then we will make loops manually by threads), a sewing machine and everything you will find for decoration.

  1. On the fabric, draw with a pencil the pattern of the desired toy and cut it out. We spend the edges, leaving a small hole so that the toy can be turned out. Do not forget to sew an eyelet from the tape, for which we will hang toys on the Christmas tree.
  2. We twist the toy, loosely fill it with sintepon or other material and sew up the hole.
  3. We decorate the toy with beads, beads and patterns made by a marker on the fabric. If there was no ribbon for the loop, now it's time to do it. We arm ourselves with a thread with a needle and sew the top of the toy several times, leaving a loop 10-15 cm long. To make our loop not break up into strings, we sew it. If this option seems too complicated for you, then take the wire, pierce the toy and fasten the ends of the wire.