When does the abdomen drop before giving birth to the first-born?

Many women, even those who are preparing to become a mother for the first time, often hear from their girlfriends that the lowering of the abdomen, as a rule, is the first sign that the woman will soon be delivered. Let's take a closer look at this phenomenon and try to understand when the abdomen is usually dropped just before the process of birth in primiparas and why it happens.

What causes the abdominal position to change in pregnant women?

This kind of phenomenon, such as the lowering of the abdomen before childbirth, is primarily due to the change in the position of the body of a future baby in the abdomen of a pregnant woman. So the fruit tries to occupy the most convenient position and descends, pressing the head or the priest to the entrance to the cavity of the small pelvis. From this position the bottom of the uterus also goes down, and at the same time with it falls and the stomach.

As a result of such processes, pregnant women note the fact that they have lowered their stomachs lower. At the same time, many women note an improvement in overall well-being, breathing becomes easier.

On what week does the abdomen of the primiparas usually go down?

Talking about the term on which the abdomen of the primiparas falls, it should be noted that this process is strictly individual. On average, a similar phenomenon occurs in the interval of 36-38 weeks of pregnancy. However, it must be taken into account that these are all just average statistics, therefore, in no case should a woman compare herself with her girlfriends in the situation, and do not worry if the belly does not change at all in later terms.

It is worth noting that the time when the abdomen is lowered during pregnancy in the primipara, as a rule, depends on such factors as:

It should also be noted that when a woman expects repeated childbirth, belly drop may occur much later. This can be observed literally in a couple of days or even just before the very beginning of labor, which is due to the weakening of the peritoneal muscles, this phenomenon is often observed after the first birth.

Thus, it should be noted that the fact, how many weeks before birth in primiparous women falls belly, depends on many nuances, the existence of which the pregnant often does not know. In some situations, this phenomenon can be observed almost immediately before the onset of labor, 2-3 days.