Retainers after braces

Appearance is a very important part of the life of any person. When people say that appearance is not the main thing, they are mistaken, because psychologists have established that the first impression of us in a person is formed during the first 4 seconds from the moment he saw us. Unfortunately, nature does not always endow people with ideal data, but fortunately, many of the flaws can be corrected.

Correction of occlusion

When the dentition has irregularities, dentists propose to resort to a bracket system.

The predecessors of braces can be considered plates - wire on the teeth with a plastic bottom, which was placed in the sky or under the tongue. The wire was stretched, and the teeth under its pressure were leveled after a while.

Braces are considered to be a more perfect system, allowing to create a perfectly smooth series: each link is connected to each other and fastened to each tooth. Thanks to a fine correction with the help of tension, for several years the patient receives a Hollywood smile. But, as practice of orthodontists has shown, far not always wearing braces gives a lasting result, and teeth part in their places after a while. To remedy this situation, a system of retainers was designed, which was put on the teeth after correction by braces.

What are retainers?

Retainers are an orthopedic design that is attached to the inside of the jaw. She puts on after bracelet correction to fix the result.

The containers do not damage the teeth, do not interfere with the ordinary way of life. They allow for teeth whitening and daily cleaning. To better clean teeth, orthodontists recommend using a rigid thread.

Types of Containers

Today there are two types of retainers:

In which cases are the storage units needed?

Many orthodontists are sure that after the braces are removed, a retina is necessary for everyone. However, this opinion is formed from practice, where most people really changed the position of their teeth after removing the fixation. But the majority assumes the existence of a minority - people whose teeth remained in the same position.

To finally answer this question, it is worth turning to the physiology of tooth growth. It is known that correction of the occlusion should be carried out immediately after the molar teeth have been replaced by the molars. During this period, the bite change is most easy, because the body develops, and the jaw continues to form. Thus, after braces put the retainer only in those cases when orthodontists tried to change the bite of an adult, a formed person - after 17-18 years. At this age the body continues to evolve, but the jaw, as a rule, is already formed, and it is rather difficult to change the bite - this takes a long time.

If you put braces on an adult person, then he can not do without retiners - indeed there is a high probability that the teeth will take their former position. If the bite was corrected in the adolescent, then it has a great chance that the teeth will remain in the same position after the removal of the bracket system and without the use of retiners.

How many retreaders should be worn after braces?

The duration of wearing of the retainers depends on the time of wearing the braces - as a rule, it is 2 terms from wearing braces (on average, about 5 years). In some cases, they are worn for life.

What to choose - kapy or retainers?

Non-removable containers are used at the very beginning, after the braces are removed. To create a smoother transition from rigid fixation of teeth, night-time kappas are used. In time, they can be recommended to wear every other day, then a week later. This is necessary to "teach" the teeth not to part.

What should I do if the container becomes unstuck?

If the boxer has become unstuck, you need to call an orthodontist and make an appointment. There is nothing to worry about if the doctor for whatever reason can not improve the situation within 7 days - the teeth in such a short time will not raspedutsya.