Why can not I cut my hair myself?

A lot of superstitions are connected with the hair, in the villages grandmothers still prefer not to throw out the fallen, but to burn so that the head does not get sick. True, clearly explain their actions, as well as why they can not cut their own hair, they are unlikely to be able to. And by the way, this belief has quite firmly established, so it's worth taking care of its origins.

Can I cut my hair to myself?

In ancient times, hair was not only an ornament, they were considered a kind of antennae into an immaterial world, from where force comes to man. The longer the hair, the larger. But why they say that you can not cut hair to yourself, according to this logic, energy channels in principle can not be cut off. This oddity is explained by the fact that the haircut is essentially a therapeutic procedure, allowing you to get rid of the accumulated negative. But it is as difficult to clean up your energy as it is to direct the dislocation: in theory it is possible, in practice it is better to trust a professional. For the same reason, it is advised to carefully choose a hairdresser so as not to harm yourself. And it is believed that the older the master, the more impact he can have.

Now, when the answer to the question of whether it is worth cutting hair to itself is known, it is possible to talk about the signs to understand what such actions threaten. There are several options, the first - health problems, looks quite logical. As a result of the circumcision of the hair, the supply of energy to the body is impaired, it can not be reflected in the physical state either. Although in the case of a single action of the disaster may not happen.

Another explanation of why you can not cut your own hair is the opportunity to lose your luck . They say that the first haircut will give minor troubles, and the constant trimming of the hair is plunged into a real black strip. This is due to the fact that according to some beliefs, self-cutting hair is akin to the evil eye.

And they also think that it is impossible to cut themselves categorically unmarried girls. Perhaps this superstition comes from a long time, when a girl with a cut scythe on anything could not count, because such ugliness not every dowry could cover.

Well, the biggest fear is a sign that promises a reduction in life with frequent independent haircuts. Maybe this is due to the same energy channels, the permanent damage of which can lead to the final loss of feeding, illness and death.

As you can see, the consequences can be quite serious, but it must be remembered that all explanations are based on belief in the presence of non-material substances, and there is no stronger evidence.