The invention is a sign that one can not do?

Unlike secular ones, church holidays are not only an occasion for joy, but a reminder of some significant event connected with the earthly life of Jesus Christ, the Virgin Mary or holy martyrs. On such days it is necessary to think again about their actions, to understand themselves, to understand something very important. It is not surprising that some restrictions are imposed on religious believers during the great religious holidays. And know about them, unfortunately, not all. For example, some people are still wondering what to do on the feast of the Lord's Day. However, this gap can and even needs to be filled in order not to make an error accidentally.

The Presentation of the Lord - History and Tradition

This holiday is celebrated in the middle of the last winter month - February 15, so people's rumor linked it with the arrival of spring. For the peasants in Russia this day was very important, as the cold came to an end, you could breathe more freely and start with new hopes to prepare for an active land-plow season.

The Church tradition of Meeting, signs and directions that can not be done on this day are connected with the Holy Scripture. According to the Bible, 40 days after the birth of Jesus Christ, the Virgin went with him to the temple in Jerusalem to consecrate him as a monk - this was the fate of all the older sons. On the steps of the house of God she met the ancient elder Simeon, who, at a glance at the baby, announced that it was the Savior. And since it was predicted that the old man, who had lived in the world for 300 years, will die when he sees the son of God, on the same day Simeon died and was later ranked as a saint.

Since then, and began to celebrate the Feast of the Meeting every year. In Jerusalem, in the fourth century, the festival lasted 20 days, during which solemn liturgies, processions with candles were performed, the mystery of purification was performed, etc. In ancient Rome, the Syllabus began to be celebrated beginning in the 7th century, candles were lit, and liturgy was celebrated in the Basilica of Santa Maria Maggiore. Since the 10th century, the tradition has spread to the whole of Europe, and then to the Russian church.

What can not be done on the Seventh?

Every Orthodox person should know not only about the very holiday of the Savior of the Lord, but also about what can not be done on this day. Moreover, there are few such restrictions:

In addition, there is a sign among the people that it is impossible to put a purse, bills and coins on a table in the kitchen on the Syllables - otherwise the money in the house will be transferred.

Other signs of

To fully enjoy the spirit of the solemn day, you need to know not only what you can not do on the Feast of the Feast, but also about what to do is necessary.

  1. You should visit the church, preferably the whole family, to defend the prayer.
  2. From the temple it is necessary to take home the lighted candles that you need to bring with you. They will drive away from the house damage and trouble.
  3. You can also light up the water, and after coming home to sprinkle it in the corners or wet it with sore spots in yourself and family members to heal.

The Russian people on Sklyonka noticed whether there would be snow on that day. If snowflakes fluttered, then spring will have to wait a long time. On that day they drove the cows out of the shed - to warm up, and a plot was read over the poultry, so that it rushed well.