Batat - good and bad

Batat, which is popularly called sweet potato, is cultivated in many countries of America, Asia and Africa. Tubers in this culture can have both spherical and oblong form, and the weight can reach 7 kg. The taste of sweet potato is determined by its variety, but the benefits and dangers of sweet potatoes will be described below.

Useful properties of potato potato

Tubers of this culture are a whole storehouse of nutrients and microelements. It contains vitamins C, E, PP, group B, as well as minerals - potassium, calcium, magnesium, sodium, etc. This is a valuable source of fiber that normalizes intestinal motility and promotes better digestion. The batat can benefit those suffering from heart and vascular diseases, hypertension. It is able to normalize the water-salt balance in the body and strengthen the walls of the arteries.

The beneficial properties of sweet potato are determined by the beta-cryptoxanthin that enters it. This substance reduces the risk of developing inflammatory diseases, to which carry rheumatoid arthritis. The vitamin A in it struggles with free radicals and helps to prolong youth of the skin, minimize the appearance of wrinkles. Batat is an excellent source of potassium, namely this mineral acts as a natural antidepressant, which positively influences the emotional background of a person. In addition, this root vegetable delivers complex carbohydrates to the body, which can be appreciated by athletes and persons watching their weight.

However, the sweet potato has not only useful properties, but contraindications. There is an opinion that oxalates in its composition are capable of crystallizing stones in the gallbladder and kidneys. But they are very few there and they do not represent the dangers for perfectly healthy people. Well, those who are exposed to such a risk, use root crops should be extremely cautious.