Can I go to the cemetery after dinner?

Since ancient times, death caused people a lot of questions and interest. The cemetery is considered a place of strong energy, which is of a negative nature, so people treated him with some apprehension. All this explains the existence of various superstitions associated with this place. For example, many are interested in whether it is possible to visit the cemetery after lunch. To understand this topic, it is necessary to go back several years into the past when superstitions were almost like laws.

Can I go to the cemetery after dinner?

Signs in ancient times arose due to the observance of people, but also of great importance and had a fantasy, and various kinds of prejudice. That is why there is no exact explanation with real confirmation of why they do not go to the cemetery after dinner, and one can only consider certain assumptions.

The most common version of why people do not go to the graves of dead people is connected with the fact that in the evening, unsettled souls, as well as various evil spirits walk around the cemetery and with the person there can be different troubles. And rarely you will meet people who would venture to go to such a place in the dark.

Finding out whether it is possible to go to the cemetery after dinner, it is worth noting such an interesting fact, according to which it was established that from 12 to 6 hours the strongest exchange of energy takes place at the burial places, therefore for hunters, the hikes at this time in the cemetery are indeed contraindicated. The time when energy exchange is minimal - the period from 6 to 12 hours. Perhaps, that is why the first half of the day is considered the most favorable time for visiting the graves of relatives and friends.

Another explanation for the reasons why you can not go to the cemetery after dinner is due to the fact that the souls of deceased relatives are waiting for visits in the first half of the day. It will also be appropriate to take into account the opinion of the church about this topic. Clergymen say that there are no restrictions on this matter, and the Lord hears prayers for the dead regardless of the place of their pronunciation.

In general, each person has the right to decide independently whether to believe in omens or not. There is an argument that can convince superstitious people - when a place is chosen for the cemetery, it is sanctified by the priest, then, at the burial places, every grave is consecrated, and on similar occasions this procedure is repeated. That is why the cemetery can be considered one of the most sheltered places from evil spirits.