Division of property in civil marriage

Civil marriage or simply cohabitation is very popular today. There is nothing wrong with getting to know a person closer, having lived with him for a while under one roof. It is not enough, suddenly in his life he is absolutely indifferent or can, and at all the characters are different, not life, but the hassle is continuous. In the latter case, the solution is simple - run away and be. But then what to do with the TV, sofa, car, on which they saved together? Or maybe they bought a flat in a warehouse, now it's necessary to divide it.

It's a pity, of course, that love could not be saved, but they did not play the wedding, they did not give birth to children ... Perhaps they did not try to give birth, because when people decide to live together, they become responsible for each other. If you want, you do not want to, but you have to change your way of life. If you were not ready for this, you have to run away. Back, in the father's house ...

Here, for many, the question arises about the division of property, acquired with a civil marriage. The question is serious, because with the official conclusion of marriage and in the future, at its dissolution, the property is divided in half, and in civil marriage, things are different.

Cohabitation does not have a legal basis, so before the "spouses" after the separation there is such a difficult issue as the division of property.

Quiet, peaceful, amicable

If you decide to disperse, then try to do it in a human way. After all, you people are not strangers, how many pleasant moments were in your life together, is it not a pity to "trample" all that is good and to confuse each other, sorry, with dirt. Solve this issue calmly, without going to court - that's what you need to try first. The property acquired in a civil marriage can be divided, according to the share of funds contributed by each of the "spouses" for the acquisition of this or that thing. Someone bought a refrigerator, please leave it to yourself. Someone for a sofa 2/3 gave, in this case, you can give money to a third former lover, so it was not offensive. The apartment, if purchased for general means, can be sold or exchanged. Another option, you can give half of its value to another "spouse", if there is such an opportunity.

No matter how difficult the separation and division of property after a civil marriage, it is necessary and this can be experienced. The main thing is not to lose respect for yourself and for each other. It is important to remember that you are people who know how to listen and speak. Look for compromises and do not become like representatives of the animal world, attacking each other and showing aggression.

All rise, the court is in session

If, nevertheless, you did not manage to divide the jointly acquired property in civil marriage by peaceful means, then it is necessary to apply for help to the court. Have decided loudly and with a scandal to win that to you "it is necessary" is your right. The first thing that you will need to do is write a statement of claim, which should include the following items:

In some cases, it is almost impossible to determine who and what amount invested in the purchase of common property. If the shares of participants in common property can not be determined on the basis of the law and are not established by agreement of all its participants, all shares are considered equal. So, do not worry, do not offend anyone and everyone will receive what is due to them.

When all this hype with the division of property is settled, it will not be superfluous to think about what you did not do in your unrelated relationship. It will be good to go on vacation, calm nerves and gain strength for a new life. For the experience that you have gained, be thankful to a person and do not hold evil against him. You need to be able to forgive and live on, because life is beautiful!