Why can not you go to the cemetery at night?

Many people do not even realize that some actions, the most innocent at first glance, can lead to trouble. For example, not all of us know why you can not go to the cemetery at night and what such walks can lead to.

Why can not you go to the cemetery at night, according to the mystics?

If you listen to people who are engaged in various mystical and extrasensory phenomena, you can understand the dangers of such visits. The fact is that the churchyard is considered a kind of home for the souls of dead people, and night time is considered in the next world day.

Of course, it is possible to ride at night to the cemetery, each person decides for himself. But visiting him at this time, you can anger the spirits that can bring on illness, misfortune, material problems and other troubles.

Why not be in the cemetery at night?

In addition to the mystical side of the question, there is also a purely practical one. Many of us do not even realize that at night there are very peculiar visitors at the churchyards - homeless people, alcoholics, drug addicts , and mental patients. These categories of people gather in cemeteries, since there are no police posts there, which means that you can do anything there. As you understand, they do not need a "company" either. "Random guests", such elements of society do not like. Therefore, such walks can be just dangerous. Meeting with a drug addict, alcoholic or mentally abnormal can end for a person in a hospital or even in a morgue.

How to become already clear, and with the mystical, and with the purely practical side of the question, whether it is possible to walk at night to the cemetery is decided by everyone himself. If a person likes to risk in vain and he does not have enough adrenaline, then why not, but to a reasonable person, it is better to visit the graveyards in the daytime. Then it's safe and peaceful there.