Why can not you kill spiders?

From our ancestors, we inherited a lot of different superstitions, which some people often use. It is not uncommon for some to ask why it is impossible to kill spiders. In many people these insects cause a feeling of fear and even panic. Scientifically, this is called arachnophobia.

Why can not you kill spiders at home?

There is one beautiful legend that tells that a dense web has helped people hide from persecution in a cave. They were a small Jesus and his family, and it was during the escape from Egypt. In gratitude for this, the Higher Forces ordered all people to honor and appreciate arthropod insects. It was believed that destroying the spider man, violated this law and could receive punishment. A clue about why you can not kill spiders has several explanations:

  1. It is believed that in this way you can scare away your happiness and well-being. Woven web is a kind of barrier that does not allow the negative to get into your home and keeps positive. Therefore, killing an insect or removing a cobweb, you deprive yourself and your loved ones of happiness.
  2. According to another conjecture, the death of a spider can provoke the development of a disease in you. This is due to the fact that in ancient times in folk medicine people used various ingredients, including cobwebs. Therefore, killing an insect person, deprived himself of the opportunity to use the "medicine" if necessary.
  3. Another explanation of the omens indicates that if you kill a spider you can make trouble. At the same time, there was such a feature that the smaller the arthropod, the greater the problem. As we said earlier, spiders are guarded by the Higher Powers, and by killing them, you go against them and receive retribution.
  4. Many believe that spiders predict the receipt of a gift or news, if you find them on your body. Therefore, the destruction of the insect crosses out this sign.

If you accidentally killed a spider, then do not worry about the fact that you will be hit by troubles and various kinds of problems. Remember that thoughts are material and if you wait for some sort of punishment, then they will attract the negative to themselves.

What other insects can not be killed?

There is a sign that says that it is forbidden to kill crickets in the house, as they bring happiness and material prosperity to the family. Our ancestors believed that if an insect left the house, then it is worth preparing for serious problems.

Another insect, which is associated with many signs - a ladybug. Since it destroys the aphids, which spoils sprouts and deprives the person of the harvest, it was believed that her killing would entail many problems. I would like to say that no insects are to be killed, since each of them performs its certain role in nature and it is not up to us to decide who should live and who does not.

Signs related to spiders

Arachnids have always been considered magical creatures, so they were often used in carrying out any rituals and rituals. There are some superstitions that have emerged thanks to our ancestors:

  1. If you find a day spider crawling on the wall or ceiling - in the near future you expect care. The insect wove a cobweb - your life will be happy.
  2. You saw a spider in the evening, so soon you will receive a gift.
  3. If you notice a spider on your clothes - in the future you can move up the career ladder and get a reward.
  4. If you've seen how a spider descends on a cobweb, that's a good sign. If it fell, then you should expect good news.
  5. The red spider may herald an improvement in the material situation.