Signs on Ivan Kupala for unmarried people

Today, only small fragments of customs and rituals are preserved, dedicated to one of the main pagan holidays of the summer - the day of Ivan Kupala. In ancient times this day was celebrated on a grand scale, the youth walked until the morning, and there was a certain frivolity in the games. Some traditions and signs on Ivan Kupala can be used today.

Signs on Ivan Kupala for unmarried people

In ancient times it was on holidays and merrymaking that young people looked for a couple, got to know each other and communicated. In this regard, up to now, some signs that are relevant for unmarried girls have reached.

So, for example, a popular sign says that if a girl runs around three times with a field of cereals, her lover sees her in a dream and realizes that his heart belongs to her alone. It was believed that for greater effect the girl should run naked.

It was popular simple guessing: the girls threw wreaths in the river and observed: if it drowns - to trouble, if it floats - to marry, and if it stops at the shore - another year to sit "in the girls". Unlike the previous one, this ritual is quite available today.

To find out if this year's marriage is expected, the girl would go out at midnight to the fence, with her eyes closed, tore off several flowers and herbs and laid them under the pillow before bed. If the next morning it turned out that the flowers in the bundle more than 12, this was indicative of an imminent marriage.

According to the letter, it is on the day of Ivan Kupala that one can find beauty. To do this, it is necessary to get up early in the morning, go out into the meadow, trail the grass with a handkerchief and wash with collected dew. It is believed that this method helps not only to find charm and charm, but also to heal the skin from acne and other problems.

Other signs for the day of Ivan Kupala

The holiday of Ivan Kupala has preserved the signs not only for young girls. For example, it was unsafe to sleep that night. The only way to protect yourself from evil spirits is to lay out the threshold of the house with fresh nettles. According to another notion, it is possible to protect housing on this day not only from evil forces, but also from robbers. To do this, in every corner put on the flower of ivan-da-marya.

There was also a cheerful, but risky sign: to fulfill absolutely any desire, it was necessary to covertly run through 12 gardens. Learn about whether the desire will come true, it was possible and by the simpler: the water was collected in the basin, and, after making a wish, throwing a pebble. If the circles on the water were an even number - the desire will come true, but if the odd one is not.

In addition, the day of Ivan Kupala can predict the weather: if it rained, then until the end of the summer will be the heat.