Dendrobium: care

Orchid lovers know that dendrobium is a genus that counts many species of this beautiful flower. Its name comes from the Greek "dendron" - the tree and "bios" - life, and means "living on a tree". In nature, the height of the flower can be very small, and reach several meters. But in the room conditions the flower of dendrobium grows to a maximum of 60 cm. The stems of it are of a variety - sometimes thick in the form of a cylinder, then thin in the form of a reed, and even swollen in the form of pseudobulb. Flowers can be of a variety of shades and shapes. The abundant flowering of dendrobium lasts from 2 to 6 weeks. In cut form, the flowers are kept fresh for up to 7 days.

Care for the orchid dendrobium is to create for it the most suitable conditions for growth. At home, such a plant is best placed near the window, protected from direct sunlight, as they can cause burns on the leaves of the orchid. In winter, it needs a backlight up to 4 hours a day. Earth is not needed for a flower. It grows in pine bark, fern roots, in sphagnum or polyurethane moss. Care for the orchid dendrobium is also in maintaining the humidity at about 60%. Every day you need to spray the plant, but avoid stagnant droplets of water in the leaves of the leaves. To transplant it it is necessary in a pendant basket or a small pot of times in 3-4 years, and after transplantation it is necessary to put the plant for two weeks in a shaded place without watering.

Reproduction of orchids dendrobium

To reproduce dendrobium at home, you need to carefully separate the sprouts formed on pseudobulb and plant it separately. Each rostochka should have its own roots and necessarily 2-3 pseudobulbs. With such a reproduction, an orchid can bloom a year later. Propagation of dendrobium and division of the bush, but no more than once every four years. To do this, immediately after the flowering, the orchid bush is taken out of the pot and cut into several parts, each of which must necessarily have two mature bulbs and two sprouts. Another species is the reproduction of dendrobium by bulb. Bloom such a plant will only be for 4-5 years.

Dendrobium nobil in the home

A distinctive feature of dendrobium nobilis is that flowers are formed in it not on the top of the stem, as in most orchids, but along the entire length of pseudobulbs. Color of flowers is the most diverse - from white to dark purple. At home, dendrobium nobil should be kept indoors with good daylight. In addition, you need to ventilate the room more often and maintain high humidity (50-60%). Fertilize such an orchid two weeks later with a special fertilizer. Another secret - the night temperature in the room with dendrobium nobili should always be 4 degrees lower than the daytime temperature. But instead of the usual watering this flower loves a hot (30-52 C °) shower, stimulating a good growth of green mass and more frequent flowering. If your orchids dendrobium turn yellow and fall leaves, then it's time for rest. At a time when young sprouts begin to turn into pseudobulbs, the plant should be transferred to a cool place and completely watered until the appearance of peduncles. In nature, the orchid dendrobium nobilis blooms precisely after such a "drought". If you do not provide such a dry period of rest, then the plant will not bloom - this is such a capricious one.

Orchid dendrobium is a fabulous and noble flower that can not leave anyone indifferent. It is necessary to exert maximum efforts and patience while observing all the "whims" of the plant, but dendrobium will thank you and will please with its beautiful flowering.