Diamond Peeling

Microdermabrasion of the face or diamond peeling is a modern cosmetological procedure consisting in the mechanical removal of the upper stratified epidermal layer by means of special nozzles with diamond spraying. The kit usually consists of ten heads with different degrees of grain size spraying - for certain areas of the body different nozzles are used.

Indications for a diamond peeling

Diamond cleaning will be an excellent solution for:

How often do diamond face peeling?

The frequency of the procedure for a person or other areas of the skin, depends on the problem being solved, and also on the type and abilities of the skin for regeneration. On average, cosmetologists recommend a course of 5 to 10 procedures with breaks of 1 to 2 weeks.

Contraindications to the diamond peeling

Like any cosmetic procedure, diamond peeling has certain contraindications:

Effect after diamond-vacuum peeling

Diamond peeling is performed by the apparatus with nozzles made of medical steel, and the procedure itself is performed under sterile conditions, therefore the risk of entering the skin of the infection is virtually eliminated.

Cleaning is carried out exclusively by mechanical means, while diamond microparticles do not react with the skin. That's why for people with allergies to these or other agents of chemical origin, diamond peeling is an excellent alternative to more aggressive procedures.

Due to painless and delicate action, diamond cleaning is used not only for the face, but also for the neckline, shoulders, neck, hands. The design features of the nozzles allow processing even hard-to-reach areas - for example, the wings of the nose.

Microscopic diamond particles delicately remove the dead cells, and thanks to the vacuum supplied to the nozzle, the comedones and various surface impurities are removed.

Diamond-vacuum peeling allows:

After grinding with diamond attachments, the skin is additionally treated with collagen serum or a mask - through the open pores useful substances are actively absorbed.

The procedure not only makes the skin cleaner and smoother, but also slows the aging process.

Preparation and post-peeling care

Diamond facial cleansing does not require special preparation outside the salon, but after the procedure, the treated skin should be protected from:

A few days after cleansing, strong physical exertion accompanied by intense perspiration is undesirable. It is also worth giving up decorative cosmetics, including powder, tonal cream, blush.

Within a week, the skin will recover - to accelerate rehabilitation, you should use a nutritious cream, but the use of scrubs and alcohol-containing lotions is unacceptable.