Why is a leap year considered bad?

A leap year from a simple one distinguishes the number of days in February. If there are twenty-eight in the regular year, then twenty-nine in the leap year. Especially superstitious people are always afraid of leap years and expect only troubles and adversity from him. Since ancient times, and to this day, many associate this period with troubles, illnesses, deaths, crop failures and other "delights of life". But where did this evil glory come from?

Why is a leap year bad?

According to an ancient legend, a leap year was associated with Kasyan - the Angel, to whom all the thoughts and plans of the Lord were known. But, being evil and cruel, he betrayed God, because of what he was later punished: he was beaten for three years, and on the fourth, leap year , he went down to earth to do evil deeds. However, this is not the only belief associated with the cruel Angel. But all the existing legends are reduced to one end - in a leap year, Kasyan comes to sow misfortunes.

Believe it or not - it's everyone's business. From a scientific point of view, there are more murders, accidents and deaths in a leap year. But all this has a logical explanation: this year is longer for one day, due to which the number of accidents increases.

Till our time numerous superstitions connected with a leap year have reached. One of the most popular says that the wedding, played in this period, is doomed to failure. But why a wedding in a leap year is bad? It is worth noting that in antiquity a leap year was the year of brides. This meant that the girl could choose her own groom and woo. The guy did not have the right to refuse. As a result, families were created, where in most cases there was no mutual love. Often they disintegrated. Thus, up to now, the conviction has reached that marriage, created in a leap year, is doomed.

Born in a leap year - signs

In ancient times, to an infant who appeared in the light of a leap year, there was an ambiguous attitude. Some thought that such a person will face a very difficult fate with a tragic end. Others, on the contrary, claimed that they were elected people with unique talents. People who were born on the twenty-ninth of February deserved special treatment. According to the beliefs, these people are endowed with esoteric abilities, they are sent to earth to help their neighbors. It is believed that those born on the last twenty-ninth February day will live a long and happy life. According to the signs, these people are daughters of fortune , which will always be lucky in all endeavors.