Urolithiasis - treatment

The presence of solid concrements in the urinary system is detected quite often even without the presence of characteristic signs of the disease. In this case, urolithiasis usually affects people between the ages of 20 to 50 years.

It is important to immediately consult a urologist if urolithiasis is suspected - the more effective the treatment is the sooner it is started. In advanced cases, stones must be removed surgically.

Is it possible to treat urolithiasis with folk remedies?

There are several recipes from non-traditional medicine that promote natural dissolution and excretion of stones from the urinary system. However, with large concrements, the use of folk remedies is dangerous, since such therapy stimulates stones to move and can provoke blockage of the ureter and renal colic . Therefore, the use of any alternative treatment methods is important to agree with the urologist.

The most effective medicine is honey and water (1 tablespoon per glass). This solution should be drunk every morning, within 15 minutes after waking, for 1-6 months.

Another simple remedy is apple tea. Dry or fresh fruit rind should be brewed in boiling water and drunk during the day. Daily consumption of such tea should be continued for 2-5 months.

Herbal Remedy Recipe


Preparation and use

Grasses chop and mix, 3 tbsp. Spoon collection put in a thermos, pour hot water. Insist means 8-9 hours, it is better to cook at night. In the morning strain the medicine and divide it into 4 equal parts. Drink before meals (for 1 hour) each serving, the entire amount of broth should be consumed per day.

It is recommended to continue the proposed therapy for 10-11 days. During this time, the concrements must escape naturally.

Prophylaxis and drug treatment of urolithiasis

Pharmacological therapy is selected taking into account the neglect of pathology, as well as the chemical composition of stones or sand. Treatment involves the use of the following groups of drugs:

1. Analgesics and antispasmodics:

2. Diuretics of plant origin:

3. Litholithics (means for dissolving only urate stones):

4. Antibiotics (if a bacterial infection has joined):

5. Medication for the normalization of the biochemical composition of blood and urine:

It is important to remember that any methods and preparations for the treatment of urolithic illness are selected only by a urologist, it is dangerous to engage in independent therapy.

Preventive measures:

Surgical treatment of urolithiasis

If the concrements are too large (more than 5 cm), to get out yourself, surgery is required, which is performed in several ways:

Classical surgical access is used extremely rarely, not more often than in 15% of cases, because of the painful procedure.

It is also possible contactless crushing and excretion of stones - shock wave lithotripsy. But with the formation of large and heavy stones, it is not effective enough.