Why did Cain kill Abel?

Many know that Adam and Eve had two sons, and the elder took the life of the younger, but for which Cain killed Abel for many remains a mystery. This is the first example of fratricide in the history of mankind, which is often used by people in identical life situations. Despite a rather detailed description of what happened in the Bible, today there are many versions that differ from each other.

Why did Cain kill Abel?

To understand this issue, you must first remember the very story. Adam and Eve were the first people who, after committing sin, were driven out of paradise. They had two sons: Cain and Abel. The first devoted his life to agriculture, and the second became a herdsman. When they decided to give a sacrifice to God, the brothers brought the fruits of their labor. Cain as a gift to God offered grain, and Abel lamb. As a result, the victim of the younger brother was taken to heaven, and the elder was left unattended . All this angered Cain, and he killed his brother Abel. This is the story of the sacred book.

In general, there are several different explanations presented by Christians, Jews and Muslims. One version says that it was a kind of test for the older brother. He had to understand that a person can not get everything at once. Cain had to accept and continue to live without any grievances and disappointments. Muslims believe that Abel has the heart of a righteous man and this is the reason for accepting the victim.

Other versions, why Cain killed Abel

Although in the holy book it is indicated that only 4 people lived on the earth at the time of the incident, there is another version. There were also sisters, one of whom - Avan became a dispute between the two brothers. As is known, many conflicts of men because of women end in bloodshed. This version arose on the basis of the fact that it was on Avan Cain that he married and they had a son.

There is a version that Cain could not intentionally kill anyone, because at that time it was not known what death was. Muslims have an opinion that everything happened exclusively by chance. Enraged at his brother, Cain grabbed him and asked God what to do next. It was at that moment that the Devil appeared and set him up for killing. As a result, Cain killed his brother, completely unwilling to do so.

Christian theologians supplement the version set forth in the Bible. According to her, God did not want to accept the sacrifice of Cain, because it was not from the heart. Another opinion of the Jewish philosopher Joseph Albo, who believed that the murder of an animal for an elder brother was unacceptable, that is why he took revenge on a relative, for his actions. This version has some contradiction: on the basis of what such thoughts could arise if the concept of death did not exist yet.

In the Talmudic literature there is information that the brothers fought on an equal footing, and Cain was defeated, but he managed to beg for forgiveness. As a result, Abel let the unfortunate, but the fratricide from the Bible, taking advantage of the chance, dealt with a relative. According to another version, the conflict of the brothers is the personification of the opposition between agricultural and pastoral life principles.

What happened next?

After Cain killed his own brother, he married Avan and founded the city. He continued to engage in agriculture, which became the basis for the development of a new society. As for Eve, she learned about the death of her son thanks to the Devil, who told her what had happened in the most terrible colors. Mother experienced a bitter loss and cried all day. This can be called the first manifestation of human pain. Since then, this topic is often present on the pages of the Bible.