How to refuse eating?

Often there are people who suffer a fairly common illness to date - a dependence on food. Such people can not refuse to eat, and are ready to eat everything that they will find in the fridge for one sitting. Sometimes, we can not deny ourselves a sweet or fast food , especially this problem worsens if we decide to lose weight or diet. How to give up food or minimize its impact on weight, let's figure it out.

If we are faced with the dilemma of how to give up food altogether, consider whether it is worth it to harm your body. Of course, there are a number of diets built on "unloading days," but they leave in the diet this or that product, capable of giving the body enough nutrients to function properly. Otherwise, you can come to the fact that the body will refuse to eat and may come anorexia.

How to refuse eating psychologically?

First, you need to set a goal - how many kilograms you want to lose and, depending on this, distribute the products in the diet. Some people are helped by the placement on the most viewed place of the apartment or workplace photos of the ideal to which you want to come. A number of girls are helped by daily weight monitoring. To do this, buy electronic scales, and write down the weight every day to within a gram. This will allow you to see how much progress has been made towards the goal.

Simple Tips for Weight Loss

In order to come to the ideal weight, do not necessarily starve yourself, it is enough to give up harmful food. Start a food diary, where you will write down everything that you eat and understand how many extra sandwiches from sausages, or, even worse, hamburgers with French fries we eat. Replace fast food for fruits and vegetables. You also need to give up eating in the evening. The last meal should be at least 4 hours before you go to bed.