Dorsopathy of the lumbosacral spine

Dorsopathy is a group of diseases of the musculoskeletal system accompanied by a pain syndrome not associated with diseases of the internal organs. Depending on the localization of pain, dorsopathy of the cervical, lumbosacral and thoracic spine is distinguished. Dorsopathy of the lumbosacral spine is considered the most common type of pathology.

Dorsopathy of the lumbar and sacral parts of the spine - symptoms

As a rule, patients with this pathology are inherent:

Lumbosacral dorsopathy - risk factors

These include:

Diagnosis of dorsopathy of the lumbosacral spine

When patients are treated with complaints of pain in the lumbosacral area, the physician collects general information and examinations, resulting in the following:

The doctor performs a thorough examination of the spine in the supine position, while sitting and standing, as well as at rest and in motion. Important indicators are posture, the position of the gluteal furrow, the presence of protrusion of the spinous processes, the external outlines and the tone of the muscles located near the spine.

When diagnosing, diseases of the internal organs that manifest themselves as pain in the lumbosacral region should be excluded. To clarify the cause, such diagnostic methods are used:

Dorsopathy of the lumbar spine - treatment

Regardless of the established form of the disease, the treatment of dorsopathy, first of all, is aimed at reducing or removing the pain syndrome. To do this, follow the following recommendations:

  1. Full rest and bed rest.
  2. Sleep on a hard surface, orthopedic mattress.
  3. Limitation of mobility of the spine (with the help of a corset).
  4. Dry heat or cold to the lesion.

For anesthesia, the following types of medications can be prescribed:

In the future, various physiotherapeutic procedures are prescribed:

Often, especially in the case of chronic pathologies associated with the destruction of cartilage in the joints, recommended drugs-chondroprotectors.

In some severe cases, when conservative treatment of the dorsopathy of the lumbosacral section is ineffective, surgery is shown, the extent of which depends on the extent of the lesion and the clinical manifestations of the disease.