Why do women change?

Treason in the life of a man and a woman happen in the case when they are dissatisfied with the relationship with their second half. And, dissatisfaction can be not only sexual.

According to sociological research conducted in Europe and the former CIS countries, the researchers found that women change more often than men. This suggests that women are more unhappy with their lives. Sociologists, too, managed to identify the main reasons for the betrayal of married women:

  1. In most cases, a married woman needs a lover for self-assertion. The older a woman becomes, the more important it is for her to remain attractive and desirable. When a relationship with a husband fades away, in the lives of some married women a lover appears.
  2. Sexual relations with her husband have ceased to bring satisfaction to a woman.
  3. Crisis in relations between spouses.
  4. The need for new sensations, extreme, shake.
  5. Unexpected meeting with an ex-lover. Some women, even unexpectedly for themselves, begin to change their husbands with the former.
  6. Lack of attention of the husband to his wife, her mood, appearance.
  7. A man is completely given his career or hobby, and the woman feels lonely in marriage with him.
  8. Resentment of her husband.

Wife changed her husband with a woman

If such a concept as "Woman and lover" has become familiar to modern people, the betrayal of a woman with a woman for many is still a topic of taboo. For most people, it remains a mystery why a woman decided to have sexual intercourse with a woman. Psychologists managed to establish why wives change husbands with a woman:

How many percent of women change?

In each country this figure is different - depending on how strictly the society and the law refer to female treason.

In countries of Europe, the USA, and also, in Russia, Belarus and Ukraine, approximately 42% of married women cheat on their husbands. Of these, more than half have a permanent lover. Sociologists believe that the figure is so great due to the fact that in these countries there are no laws that punish married women for treason. Also, an important role is played by the connivance of the whole society towards the fact of adultery.

In Muslim countries, the percentage of women committing adultery is negligible. Treason in these countries is terribly punished, up to the death penalty. In the summer of 2010, the press got a loud scandalous story about how in Somalia local authorities executed a woman for a relationship with a married man. Somali woman was stoned for treason. The same fate befell the man with whom she had a connection.