Pleasant and terrible medicine: 15 animals that treat

The help of our smaller brothers in the treatment of various diseases often has a tragic overtones. In many countries, animals are killed in order to obtain a valuable medicine.

Many have heard that animals can be used to treat various diseases. This was especially true in ancient times, but even today non-traditional medicine is common. It should be noted that there are innocuous and humane ways of interacting with animals, and there are those that go beyond the bounds of the reasonable and seem inhuman.

1. Soft antidepressants

The owners of felines unanimously repeat that their pets are always there when they are ill. Scientists confirm that these animals help fight depression, migraines, insomnia, flu and even gastritis. Experiments have shown that even half-hour interaction with a cat contributes to the normalization of pressure.

2. Murders for Healing

Animal advocates are alarmed that many species of tigers are on the verge of extinction, but this does not stop poachers. In Chinese non-traditional medicine, all parts of the body of striped cats are used. Folk doctors believe that drugs made on the basis of claws, bones, teeth and skins, relieve of numerous diseases, but modern research is completely refuted.

3. Buzzing therapy

Since ancient times, people used bees and beekeeping products to treat various diseases. Honey, propolis, royal jelly, pollen, and scum contain a huge amount of useful substances. As for bee venom, it is used in the form of a medicinal product for getting rid of problems with the musculoskeletal, nervous, immune and cardiovascular system.

4. Toothed healers

According to statistics, Chinese alligators are on the verge of extinction, as people kill them to get meat and internal organs, which, according to adherents of alternative medicine, can defeat diseases, from colds and ending with cancer.

5. Noble medicine for many diseases

Interacting with horses is useful for both adults and children. They help to cope with mental disorders, depression, overcome phobias, alcohol and even drug addiction. Horseback riding is recommended for children with a delay in speech and mental development, as well as with autism and Down's syndrome.

6. Striped African Drug

In Kenya and Ethiopia, people deliberately kill Grevy's zebras to get their valuable meat and fat, which African healers use to prepare a medicine for tuberculosis.

7. Friendly people rescuers

Recently, dogs have been used to treat children with cerebral palsy, autism, epilepsy and mental retardation. It is proved that interaction with these four-footed friends helps to absorb and develop motor and speech skills, and also promotes more rapid adaptation of the child in society.

8. Ancient musk medicine

The unusual musk deer of the musk deer is famous for the fact that thanks to the glands it produces a special sweet aroma, which is used in non-traditional Chinese medicine. Not for one thousand years it is used to get rid of diseases of the nervous and circulatory system. According to statistics, musk deer is threatened with extinction.

9. Have fun and get well.

Scientists have long proven the positive effects of the dolphin biofield on humans. During interaction with people, mammals conduct ultrasound scans and if the person is healthy, they click, and if they are sick, they make rumbling sounds. During the dolphin therapy, a lot of endorphins are produced in the human body.

10. Anti-human medicine

Unconventional medicine is widespread in China, Vietnam, South Korea and other Asian countries and some methods are simply horrifying. In these countries, Malay bears are grown, which extract gall bladder to extract bile. It is used to treat inflammation of the throat, gallstones and hemorrhoids. What is especially terrible is that animals are grown in close cages, and removal of gall bladder occurs at a risk to life.

11. Feathered assistants

Few would have thought that parrots could cure a person of a number of problems. In fact, it has been observed that bird watching helps to cope with stress and emotional fatigue. Specialists in animal therapy assure that wavy parrots help get rid of pain in the heart, but large birds are cured of stuttering, neuroses and skin diseases.

12. Valuable medicinal horn

After scientists recognized that there is keratin in the rhino horn, the animals began to be killed. To stop the tragedy, China issued a decree banning the use of the horn. A new wave of poaching covered Vietnam, where healers talked about how to cure liver cancer with the help of a horn.

13. Dangerous medicine

Snakes are used not only in non-traditional, but also in official medicine. The poison of creeping reptiles has analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect. Often it is used to get rid of cardiac pathologies and problems with the musculoskeletal system. In Asian countries, snakes are used to prepare a huge amount of tinctures of alcohol. Still people eat still beating heart and a cholic bubble of the recently killed snake, considering it as an elixir of a youth and eternal life.

14. Unpleasant, but effective treatment

The treatment of leeches is mentioned in the Koran, the Bible and in the writings of great men. The therapeutic effect is achieved through reflex, mechanical and biological effects. When a leech bites the skin, then together with its saliva, it releases more than a hundred biologically active components. Use hirudotherapy to get rid of dermatological, gynecological, urological, cardiovascular and many other problems.

15. Healers on the brink of extinction

If African elephants are hunting for their valuable tusks, then they simply do not have Asian tusks, but according to IUCN, this species is recognized as disappearing. People kill these beautiful animals to receive meat, skin and other parts of the body. For example, Myanmar uses a paste made from elephant foot parts, which is used to remove a hernia.