Why does the child have dark circles under the eyes?

On the face very often reflects the general health of both adults and young children. That is why young parents pay special attention to the changes that have appeared on the face of his child.

In some cases, a mother or father may notice dark circles around the eyes of the child. As a rule, this is due to banal overwork and excessive fatigue, but this problem can only affect schoolchildren, whereas such bruises can appear in infants. In this article, we will tell you why a small child has dark circles under the eyes, and when to call a doctor.

What causes the child to have dark circles under his eyes?

There are many reasons that cause the appearance of dark circles around the eyes of a child, namely:

What should I do if my child has dark circles around his eyes?

In the event of such a problem, it is necessary, first of all, to review the regime of the day and the diet of the baby. Usually in such a situation, parents place a lot of tasks on the fragile shoulders of their child, beyond his age, which causes the child to develop dark circles under his eyes. The baby should sleep enough time, at least 2 hours a day to be out in the fresh air and fully and properly eat. In addition to the eyes of the crumbs, you can do lotions of chamomile broth several times a day.

The schoolboy can be offered to do special gymnastics for the eyes during overwork, pressing his fingers and rotating the pupils in different directions. If all the above measures do not help, be sure to show the child to the doctor and go through a detailed examination. So the doctor can at an early stage identify the true cause of the disease and prescribe the appropriate treatment.