Prevention of influenza in children

Influenza is one of the most common diseases of the upper respiratory tract, which is very easy to catch airborne droplets. Particularly high probability of the disease in children who visit children's institutions during the seasonal epidemic.

Sometimes children suffer the flu in an erased form, but it is impossible to predict how your child will bear this illness. Quite often, the flu is accompanied by a significant rise in temperature, body aches and other unpleasant symptoms. In addition, this disease often causes more serious complications, such as pneumonia, bronchitis, otitis, rhinitis, sinusitis and others.

In order to protect the child from the flu and the complications caused to him, it is necessary to take various preventive measures, which we will discuss in this article.

Specific prevention of influenza in children

The main measure of prevention against influenza for children is vaccination. The likelihood of getting a flu in a vaccinated child is reduced by 60-90 percent. Vaccination, if parents want, can make babies older than 6 months.

To maintain immunity, it is useful to take natural immunomodulators, such as Echinacea , Schisandra, Pink Radiola and others. Also incredibly useful properties are garlic and onions, due to the content of phytoncids in them.

For the youngest children, breast milk is an excellent means of preventing influenza. It contains antibodies that protect the child from the disease.

In addition, for the prevention of seasonal flu disease, it is necessary to follow useful recommendations.

Memo for the prevention of children against influenza