Alopecia in children

Hair loss affects not only adults. It happens that the hair begins to fall out in very young children for unknown reasons. Alopecia in children or, as they say in the common people, baldness occurs infrequently, but the disease proceeds very quickly. If you notice even the loss of a small amount of hair, it is better to consult a doctor in time to find out the reasons.

The first hair loss occurs in newborn babies, more often it happens for physiological reasons. Most of the time after birth, the baby lies in the crib, and turns actively the head, learning the world around him. As a result, his head rubs against the pillow and hair in some places fall out. Experiencing this is not worth it, because by the first year of life the child's hair growth is restored.

Types of alopecia in children

  1. Alopecia areata in children. The first symptoms of alopecia of this type in a child are the appearance on the head of individual areas of baldness, with clear rounded borders. Skin on the affected areas without crusts and scales, inflammatory processes on the head there. The disease can manifest itself within a day, and the focus can be one or more foci of different sizes. This disease can pass in the child with age, but you should immediately contact a specialist who will prescribe a course of treatment.
  2. Nesting alopecia in children . Occurs at the age of over three years. It appears on the head in the form of foci in the frontal and parietal zones, as well as on the eyebrows. Affected skin retains its natural color, it is smooth and smooth, without scars. The hair follicles in these places of the skin look enlarged, the hair in the affected area is easily pulled out, which expands the baldness. If, at the time, no measures are taken, all these pockets eventually merge and form one large bald patch on the child's head.

The causes of alopecia in children

  1. Heredity. When asked whether alopecia is inherited, the answer is, unfortunately, positive.
  2. Violation of the endocrine system of the body.
  3. Psychological trauma and nervous disorders.
  4. Thyroid dysfunction.
  5. Infectious diseases.
  6. Disease of the teeth or chronic appendicitis.

Treatment of alopecia in children

When faced with pediatric alopecia, adults ask themselves whether it is possible to cure alopecia. Is alopecia treated with folk remedies at home or does it need medical intervention? In any case, before beginning the treatment of alopecia in a child, you need to fully examine it in order to find out the causes of the disease. When the doctor finds out and eliminates the symptoms of the disease, against which alopecia originated, it will be possible to begin treatment. The sick child is prescribed a general strengthening course of therapy, which includes vitamins A and E, iron preparations, vitamins B1, B6 and B12. Similarly, a doctor can prescribe rubbing tinctures or hormonal preparations if necessary. With the correct definition of the diagnosis, treatment gives positive results.

Treatment of alopecia with folk remedies

There are a number of proven drugs that have proven effective in treating alopecia, available for home use.

  1. Mush from garlic, onion, garlic or horseradish. Any of the plants to grind to a gruel-like condition and rub into the affected areas of the skin.
  2. Tincture of red pepper. To make it, 4 red peppers are poured with 0.5 liters of vodka and put on 21 days in a dark place. Rub into lesions.
  3. At the first signs of alopecia it is useful to use mother-and-stepmother. For what the plant should be crushed and pour boiling water. Let stand for 30 minutes, drain and wash with this infusion of the head.

Strengthen the immunity of the child with fruits and vegetables, support the child psychologically, since this disease can cause serious trauma to the psyche of the baby, which can adversely affect his future.