How do they remove adenoids in children?

One of the pathologies that often occurs in pre-school children is the growth of the nasopharyngeal tonsil. This condition is called adenoids. They can be caused by various infections, frequent illnesses, weakening of immunity. The disease delivers a number of inconveniences to the baby. But most importantly, adenoids can cause some complications. The final diagnosis should be made by the doctor, based on the results of the survey. Currently, there is the possibility of prompt and conservative treatment. The doctor will recommend the method that will suit a particular child, depending on the course of the disease and other factors.

Parents always do not want to expose the baby to surgery, but in some cases, the best option is to give consent to the procedure. But you should know in advance how to remove adenoids in children. The possession of information will help my mother to remain calm and to better understand what is happening. Parents will also be able to get an idea of ​​how best to remove the adenoids to the child and discuss all the issues with the attending physician.

Indication for surgical intervention

First of all, it is important to remember that such procedures are appointed in certain cases:

There are also some contraindications for the operation:

Methods of removal of adenoids in children

This disease is well known to qualified doctors. They have a huge experience of his treatment. They know different methods of removing adenoids, each of which has its own peculiarities.

Adenoidectomy is a procedure that is performed under local anesthesia and consists in removing pathological sites with a special knife. The child at this time is conscious and can in every possible way resist the actions of the doctor. This can adversely affect the result of manipulation. After such an operation, the proliferation of nasopharyngeal tonsil tissues is possible.

Endoscopic removal of adenoids is a modern method that is considered the most effective and safe. Intervention is carried out under general anesthesia, which is called sedation. Such anesthesia is achieved by introducing a certain dose of medication and allows the patient to relax while in a drowsy state. A child immersed in such anesthesia will not be stressed during the procedure and will not prevent the doctor from doing the job qualitatively. Mom is interested in the way adenoids are removed by this method and what is the difference from adenoidectomy. The difference is that the endoscopic method involves the use of special equipment that will allow the doctor to see and monitor the entire process.

Laser exposure is considered another possible way to get rid of the disease. But, based on how the operation to remove adenoids by this method is performed, it can be concluded that such a method is not a surgical intervention. The point is that the laser beam only burns the overgrown tissues and thereby leads to their reduction. The procedure can be effective only at an early stage of the disease and is performed under local anesthesia. The laser effect has an antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effect. This method can be used as an additional, with another method of surgical intervention, to exclude relapse of the disease.