ARVI - symptoms and treatment in children, the main symptoms of flu-related colds

Colds in small children are a common cause for concern for parents. Often they simply do not know how to behave, and what to do with it, than the ARVI differs from the flu. Consider the violation, let's name its features, signs and possible complications that are noted in children who have had a viral infection, we list the means of therapy and prevention of the disease.

The incubation period of acute respiratory viral infection in children

Frequent causes of acute respiratory viral infections in children are parainfluenza viruses, sentient infection, adenovirus and rhinovirus. They are transmitted exclusively by airborne droplets. In the people, these diseases are often united by one term - the common cold. According to statistical observations of ARVI, the symptoms and treatment in children of whom are described below, up to 3 years are fixed 6-8 times per year. This is due to the instability of the immune system.

The incubation period of acute respiratory viral infection, which is not symptomatic and treated in children, therefore, lasts from 1 to 10 days. On average, its duration is 3-5 days. At the same time, the period of contagiousness (the time when it is possible to infect others) is 3-7 days. It is worth noting that with the respiratory-sentient agent, excretion is fixed and after a few weeks, as the first clinical manifestations appeared.

Symptoms of ARVI in children

Such a disease has a sharp beginning. In this case, physicians in the manifestations of his note 2 syndromes: catarrhal and intoxicating. The first is characterized by the appearance of external signs, among which:

These signs of acute respiratory viral infection in children become an indication at the beginning of the therapeutic effect. In the absence of it, or the wrong appointment and further development of the process, there are signs of intoxication, as the pathogen begins to release into the blood products of its vital activity. At this stage, the following are recorded:

  1. Impaired nervous system:
  1. On the part of the organs of the gastrointestinal tract:
  1. The defeat of the immune system is an increase in regional lymph nodes.

How to distinguish influenza from ARVI in a child?

Due to the fact that these 2 diseases are of a viral nature, they have similar external manifestations. Parents themselves often can not correctly identify what a child is sick with. Among the main differences are:

  1. The flu always has an acute onset. Practically within a few hours after getting the pathogen into the body, there is a deterioration in overall well-being, lumbling, fatigue. ARVI has a gradual course with an increase in symptoms - a runny nose, tenderness in the throat, then a cough.
  2. When the flu is characterized by headaches with a rise in temperature to 39, chills, sweating increases. Respiratory-viral infection is characterized by nasal congestion, sneezing.
  3. During a cold, intoxication has a lesser degree of severity. Flu is characterized by a severe course, with frequent complications. In the absence of timely therapy, a transition to bronchitis and pneumonia is possible.
  4. A long recovery period is typical for influenza. It takes about 1 month. There is an asthenic syndrome, which is characterized by increased fatigue, mood swings, and decreased appetite.

In some cases, parents notice that a child with ARVI is hurt by legs. This phenomenon indicates a high degree of intoxication of the body, and is often observed with the addition of a bacterial factor. Often in time, an unnoticed cold in the absence of therapy develops into pneumonia. It is characterized by the defeat of the respiratory system, a strong cough, requires antibacterial therapy and hospitalization.

ARVI with abdominal syndrome in children

Many mothers, referring to the pediatrician, complain about the fact that the abdomen is hurting in ARVI in the child. This phenomenon is fixed 1-2 days after the start. In this case, there is vomiting, a frequent stool, but irritation of the peritoneum is not noted. In such cases, a preliminary diagnosis of appendicitis is erroneously made. To properly diagnose, you need to see a doctor.

It should be noted that the abdominal syndrome in ARVI, the symptoms and treatment in children which differ from adult therapy, there are 2 days. The cause of this phenomenon can be the defeat of the autonomic nervous system by toxins, which are released by pathogens. The patient is fixed:

Diarrhea in children with ARVI

Diarrhea in ARVI is noted when the disorder is provoked by rotavirus . This causative agent affects the intestines and stomach. The virus is relatively resistant to therapy. Often there is a connection of nausea, vomiting, a general decline in strength, apathy. The child does not show interest in games, often lies. This symptomatology is observed for 1-3 days, after which a period of relief begins.

Enterovirus and adenovirus are also capable of provoking diarrhea. In this case, their transfer is carried out by means of a contact-household way. Infection is accompanied by the appearance of the following symptoms:

Vomiting in ARVI in a child

Vomiting in ARVI can be the result of the body's reaction to a sharp rise in temperature. It is worth noting that in such a situation the phenomenon is of a one-off nature. If the child is sick for a whole day and at the end of it, the state of health does not improve, 2 or more emetic acts are fixed, it is necessary to consult a doctor. This symptomatology is characteristic of rotavirus infection, as described above.

Temperature in children with ARVI

Considering ARVI, the symptoms and treatment in children of which are described in the article, we note that an increase in temperature values ​​is the first sign of a catarrhal phenomenon. So the body seeks to kill the virus, reduce its activity, prevents reproduction, further development of the disease. But with a simple cold, the value of this parameter does not exceed 38 degrees. In ARVI, the temperature of 39 in a child may be in case it is influenza. There are accompanying symptoms: headache, aches, restless child, refuses to play.

It is worth noting that the antipyretic measures are taken when the values ​​have crossed the 39 degree mark. Until this time, doctors are not recommended to use medicines. Such recommendations are caused by the need to activate the immune system, the formation of antibodies to the pathogen.

How long does the temperature last for children?

It is worth noting that the antipyretic measures are taken when the values ​​have crossed the 39 degree mark. Until this time, doctors are not recommended to use medicines. Such recommendations are caused by the need to activate the immune system, the formation of antibodies to the pathogen. Telling about how many days the temperature in ARVI in children is holding, physicians talk about the average value of 3-5 days.

In this case, they note that the fact how much the temperature keeps in ARVI in a child depends on:

How to treat ARVI in children?

To begin treatment of ARVI in children is necessary with the appearance of the first signs. The basis of therapy in this case is a symptomatic effect - the fight against manifestations: washing the nose, gargling, inhalation. But in order to exclude the cause it is necessary to determine the type of pathogen. Due to the fact that such a diagnosis takes time, doctors resort to the appointment of antiviral drugs with a wide range. The complex of therapy for ARVI includes:

Treatment of ARVI in children - drugs

To begin with, it is necessary to say that antibiotics for ARVI in children, as in adult patients, are not used. They are not effective in this type of disturbance - they affect microorganisms, and respiratory infections have a viral nature. The justification for the use of such a group of drugs may be due to the addition of diseases of bacterial origin.

Antiviral agents for ARVI, whose symptoms and treatment in children are due, at times, to the condition of the child, should be prescribed in the first 1-1.5 days. Among the drugs used in ARVI, it is necessary to name:

  1. Antiviral:
  1. For local symptomatic treatment:
  1. Antipyretics:

How long does it last for a child?

Duration of acute respiratory viral infection is an exclusively individual parameter. Pediatricians can not give an unambiguous answer to this question. According to statistical observations, the average duration of the cold from the moment of the first appearance of its signs until the disappearance of clinical manifestations is 1-1.5 weeks. But this does not mean that the mother should set herself up for such a long treatment. The factors that determine this parameter are:

It should be noted that any virus is capable of mutation. This fact determines the individual algorithm of therapy for ARVI, the symptoms and treatment in children of which are described above. This phenomenon completely changes the structure of the virus - there are new symptoms that can lead doctors astray, complicate the process of diagnosis. As a result - the need for long-term treatment, the use of new methods, drugs.

Complications after ARVI in children

The most common type of complication of acute respiratory viral infection in children is the involvement of the sinuses of the nose - etmoiditis, sinusitis. The main sign of such violations is the constant nasal congestion. The child himself complains about:

  1. Constant headaches. Visually, parents can identify puffiness in the area of ​​the lower jaw. It should be noted that the greatest likelihood of developing such a violation is noted in children with a curved nasal septum, carious teeth.
  2. Inflammation of the upper respiratory tract is also seen as a consequence of the SARS, the symptoms and treatment of which in children are similar to that of adults. With laryngitis, children complain of perspiration, a lump in the throat, tickling.
  3. Acute tonsillitis is regarded by doctors as a consequence of a cold. The child becomes painful to swallow, there is a swelling in the throat. Such a violation is dangerous because it is able to give complications to the kidneys, the cardiovascular system.
  4. The defeat of the hearing aid is not uncommon after ARVI. Physicians often register otitis media , eustachiitis. The guys complain of shooting pain in the ear, which leads to a decrease in hearing.

Cough after ARVI in a child

Residual cough in a child after ARVI observed 1-2 days. At the same time, it has a low intensity, does not bother, and occasional coughing occurs. If the cough is noticed 3-5 days, its intensity does not decrease, it is necessary to turn to the pediatrician. A visit to the doctor will allow to establish the infringement, methods and algorithm of its treatment. This symptomatology is typical for diseases of the upper respiratory tract:

The baby has aches after ARI

Often, mothers note that the child after ARVI is sick with calves. The main cause of such painful phenomena is the intoxication of the body. This explains the phenomenon in which the child after ARI is kept at a temperature of 37. In such cases, to reduce suffering, use a warming ointment (the temperature normalizes itself). Such a remedy helps to expand locally the blood vessels, increase the flow of blood to them. To exclude this effect of ARVI, symptoms and treatment in adolescents and children of whom are named above, therapy is prescribed from the first manifestations.

Prevention of ARVI in children

Prevention of influenza and ARVI in children, preparations for the implementation of which are prescribed by a doctor, plays an important role in the prevention of respiratory diseases. At the same time, such antiviral agents are used as: