Low child temperature

The doctors revealed that each person has his own, individual body temperature. Its norm ranges from 36.4 to 36.8 degrees, with a fluctuation limit of 0.2 divisions per thermometer. The temperature, both in an adult and a baby, can vary slightly depending on the weather, nutrition and emotional state.

Everyone knows that if the thermometer shows a temperature above 37, then this is a sign that the baby is sick and his body is struggling with a virus or infection. But what temperature is considered to be lower in a child, the question, to which pediatricians answer unequivocally - is below 35.5. If the parents noticed that the baby has a temperature of 35.6 and above in the morning, after a dream, but at the same time during the day she rises to normal level, and the child is active, then there is no cause for concern - this is considered the norm. Another thing if you notice that the baby is sluggish, and the temperature is at the mark, for example, 35.4, then you need an urgent medical consultation.

Why is the temperature low?

The reasons for a low body temperature in a child can be a lot. The most common are:

  1. Postpartum period. As is known, in infants, the first 4 days after birth, the temperature is lowered due to cold stress. This is due to the fact that the baby is used to a higher temperature, being in the womb of the mother. A week after the birth, as a rule, the temperature returns to normal and is 36.6 - 37 degrees. Therefore, if the child has a low temperature, then it should be warmed, preferably, attaching a crumb to his body.
  2. Postponed diseases. Very often the child has a lowered body temperature after the illness. This is due to the fact that the baby's immune system is weak enough. In order to help the body to recover faster, try to feed the baby with foods that contain a large amount of vitamins and those that help increase hemoglobin.
  3. Subcooling. If the child is frozen, then this is the reason for the temperature to fall by several divisions. In this situation, it is necessary to warm the baby, first of all, wrapping up his legs and the upper part of the body. After that, offer him a warm warming drink, for example, ginger tea.
  4. Stress. Everyone in life has stressful situations. Children, with their fragile psyche, are especially susceptible to them. Bad evaluation in school, quarrel with friends, misunderstanding from adults and many other reasons. All this can lead to a decrease in body temperature in the child.
  5. Diet. It so happens that teenage girls are often addicted to various diets. Malnutrition and changes in the hormonal background is a situation that will help lower body temperature. Develop a menu with the child that will get rid of excess kilograms and, at the same time, enrich the body with vitamins and trace elements.

Dangerous causes of low temperature

Children can get sick. It is always sad, but the timely detection of the disease will allow timely treatment. There are a number of diseases in which low body temperature is one of the symptoms: chronic bronchitis, thyroid disease, brain disease and this is not all. Also, a lowered temperature can speak of internal bleeding or intoxication of the body.

What to do with a low body temperature in a child, if you need to quickly correct the situation - The question with which help to sort out the improvised means. It is very good to give the child hot sweet tea and to carry out a course of massage, and also to drink the baby with decoctions of ginseng, St. John's wort, Chinese magnolia vine or radiola pink. These herbs can be combined with each other, or can be consumed separately.

So, if you notice that your baby has a low body temperature and nothing hurts, try to wrap it up and give it a drink. However, you should consult a doctor if, regardless of the time of day, more than three days, your baby's temperature is below 36 degrees.